
Language-based audio retrieval system for DCASE 2022 Task 6b

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Language-based audio retrieval system for DCASE 2022 Task 6b

Part 1 - Data preprocessing

This part is similar to the one documented in the challenge baseline system repo, please give it a visit for more info on these steps:


1- Download and extract audio files and captions of the Clotho v2.1 dataset from Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/4783391.

2- Preprocess audio and caption data.

python scripts/preprocess.py

This step will output four files:

  • audio_info.pkl: audio file names and durations.
  • development_captions.json: preprocessed captions of Clotho development split.
  • validation_captions.json: preprocessed captions of Clotho validation split.
  • evaluation_captions.json: preprocessed captions of Clotho evaluation split.
  • vocab_info.pkl: vocabulary statistics of Clotho dataset.

I provide another script to do the same on the official evaluation subset:

python scripts/preprocess_evaluation_set_task6b.py

Why a separate script? Because unlike the dev/val/eval subsets, the official eval subset provides a single caption instead of five, and of course no ground-truth audio file names with these captions.

Part 2 - Audio feature extraction: Global PaSST logits (one vector per audio file)

1- Extract the audio scene embeddings (logits) with PaSST

First, you need to install PaSST, more precisely the HEAR 2021 module, which is a lightweight version useful for feature extraction:

pip install -e 'git+https://github.com/kkoutini/passt_hear21@0.0.17#egg=hear21passt'

For more details, see https://github.com/kkoutini/passt_hear21

Then, edit the scripts/audio_features.py. Search for "# Edit" in the script. You need to edit the PaSST module path and the dataset_dir path.

Run the script twice:

i) once, with PASST = True # for dev splits: train/valid/eval

ii) once, with PASST_EVAL = True # for the task 6b official 2022 eval subset

This will output two HDF5 files, containing the logit vectors for all the Clotho v2 splits.

Part 3 - sentence embedding extraction: with all-mpnet-base-v2

In this part, we extract one sentence embedding per caption. I used MPNet. You need to install the transformers library from HuggingFace.

1- For the dev/val/eval subsets

python scripts/sentence_embeddings.py

This step will output sentence_embeddings_mpnet.hdf5.

2- The same for the evaluation_set_task6b subset

python scripts/sentence_embeddings_evaluation_set_task6b.py

Part 4 - sentence embedding extraction of the 527 AudioSet tags

With the same sentence BERT model, MPNet, we extract the embeddings of the AudioSet tags

python scripts/audioset_tag_embeddings.py

Part 5 - train and test a model

The serious business (problems? ;-)) begins here...

1- First edit the YAML config file: conf.yaml

2- Second, run the main script: python main.py


  • It uses wandb to log the exps, you can activate it in the YAML file with: wandb: True. As provided, it is set to False.

  • This script main function is train, but there is also a method to train a model on AudioCaps: train_audiocaps.


T. Pellegrini. Language-based audio retrieval with textual embeddings of tag names. In Proc. Workshop DCASE, Nancy, Nov. 2022. https://ut3-toulouseinp.hal.science/hal-03812737/document