
Code and Slides for "Whose Scat Is That? An 'Easily Digestible' Introduction to Predictive Modeling in R and the caret Package"

Primary LanguageR


Code and Slides for "Whose Scat Is That? An 'Easily Digestible' Introduction to Predictive Modeling in R and the caret Package"

Required Packages

pkgs <- c("caret", "nnet", "glmnet", "RANN", "ipred", "rpart")
for(i in pkgs) 
  install.packages(i, dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests"))

Please make sure that the most recent version of caret (6.0-71 or greater) is installed; the data are in that version.

If there are any issues getting things installed, let me know at mxkuhn@gmail.com.