
Flux k8s controller to sync gitlab deploy keys

Primary LanguageGo

Flux gitlab controller

This repository implements a simple controller for watching Secrets created by gitlab and calling the API to update the deploy keys the specified repo

Note: go-get or vendor this package as github.com/topfreegames/flux-gitlab-controller.


The sample controller uses client-go library extensively.


Prerequisite: Since the controller uses apps/v1 deployments, the Kubernetes cluster version should be greater than 1.9.

# assumes you have a working kubeconfig, not required if operating in-cluster
go build
./flux-gitlab-controller -gitlab-token $TOKEN -kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config

# create a flux secret with the corresponding `fluxcd.io/git-url` and `fluxcd.io/sync-gc-mark` marks
kubectl create -f artifacts/examples/flux_secret.yaml

# Check that the fluxcd.io/deployKeyId has been created in the secret and that the repo contains
# the associated deployment key
kubectl get secret -o yaml flux-git-deploy

You can also set the gitlab-token through the GITLAB_TOKEN env variable if you need an extra layer of security on provisioning secrets to the controller

What happens if someone removes the deployment key from the application repo?

In that case, this controller won't re-create the key as we're not constantly checking for deleted keys to avoid putting too much pressure to the gitlab api.

In order for flux to re-create the key, the fluxcd.io/deployKeyId annotation needs to be removed from the secret so flux realizes that the secret is not synched and will recreate the appropriate key