ETL Simple Project

Python program that builds database of current weather data from OpenWeatherMap web APIs, parse data using Pandas library and store it in a local sqlite database

Set Up:

  • install dependencies:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • get OpenWeatherMap API Key, copy the key and save into .env
  • Run $python3 to save New York current weather by default

To build docker container for your app

  • Create Dockerfile
  • Build Docker image
    $ docker build -t yourdockerid/data-pipeline-test .
    $docker run --env api-token=<youapitoken>-t yourdockerid/data-pipeline-test


  • keep api key private in .env file (eg API_TOKEN="typeyourapikeyhere")
  • load API into python code using dotenv library
    from dotenv import load_dotenv 
  • how to make api request
json_data=json_data=requests.get("").json() // eg api_token not real
  • $python3 -v # -v to the script prints detailed log of whats trying and prints summary


  1. Kathmandu, Nepal =1283240
  2. Mustang, Nepal =1283023
  3. Pokhara, Nepal =1282898