
Files for the UAH course

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Online Course


  • The vehicles exercise is not particularly great. Craft a better one.
  • Maze.jar -- ability to see when you've exited (exception?)
  • Remove references to UAH VM.
  • Course needs overhaul to modern versions in the lectures (screenshots, instructions, and new topics):
    • TBD
  • Java added "modules" after this course was made. The course needs a lecture on modules and instructions on adding "maze.jar" and "vehicles.jar".


When you create a new JavaProject, Eclipse will use "module" features by default. We look at modules later in the course, but for now be sure the "Create module-info.java file" checkbox is NOT CHECKED.

Module 1

01 Introduction

This all needs reworking. Reference parts of the syllabus, but do so vaguely so it can be updated going forward.

There is no longer a virutal lab machine. I'll show you how to install Java and Eclipse on your own computer.

GitHub reference to the course materials. Poke around the repo for examples and hints.

Slide Title Needed Updates
1 Welcome Rework
2 About Your Instructor Rework
3 Syllabus Rework
4 Virtual Lab Machine and Course Instructions Rework/Remove

02 Eclipse

A lot of this need re-doing since Java, Eclipse, and Windows have changed looks over the years. The flow and info is good.

Slide Title Needed Updates
1 Overview
2 More Info Update first link to https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/ Update 2nd link to https://www.eclipse.org/documentation/
3 Runtime and Development (JRE and JDK) Update visual and audio version
4 The Windows Path Command Prompt Leave this out. No need for command prompt.
5 The Windows Path Environment Vars Update version to win 11
6 Command Line Only
7 Battle of the IDEs
8 Features of an IDE: Highlighting
9 Features of an IDE: Documentation Hints
10 Features of an IDE: Fix Hints
11 Features of an IDE: Project/File Management
12 Features of an IDE: Debugger
13 Eclipse in Particular
14-22 UI Layout
23-24 Workspaces and Projects
25 Downloading Eclipse redo
26 Installing Eclipse redo
27 Launching Eclipse redo
28 First Launch
29 Workbench redo
30-32 First project redo. talk about modules
33 Your Turn
  • 03,04 Routines
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: Instructions
    • 4: Routines (Methods, Functions)
    • 5: Routines: parameters
    • 6: Routines: return
    • 7: Routines: Other keyword attributes
    • 8: Calling Routines
    • 9: Class
    • 10: Class Variables
    • 11: Local Variables
    • 12: Passing Parameters
    • 13: Return Values
    • 14: Expressions
    • 15: Overloading
    • 16: Your Turn
    • Examples:
      • MacDonald Song
      • Headache Song
      • Factorial
  • 05 Primitives
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: Memory
    • 4: Built-ins (Primitives)
    • 5: Constants
    • 6: Numeric Casts
    • 7: Basic Math Operations
    • 8-11: Bitwise Math
    • 12: Shortcuts
    • 13: Pre and Post Increment
    • 14: Math Functions
    • 15: Your Turn
  • 06 Conditionals
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: The Compare Operators
    • 4: Logic Operations
    • 5: Flow Control
    • 6: Forward Jump: if/else
    • 7: Spacing Doesn't Matter
    • 8: Use Braces
    • 9-10: Nested if/else
    • 11: Ternary Operator
    • 12-14: switch
    • 15: switch
    • 16: Variable scope
    • 17: Shortcircuit in Expressions
    • 18: Your Turn
  • 07,08 Loops
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3-7: The while Loop
    • 8: The do Loop
    • 9: While vs Do
    • 10-11: break and continue
    • 12: for loops
    • 13: for defaults
    • 14: multiple for parts
    • 15: Your Turn
    • Examples:
      • Factorials
      • Relativity
      • Shifting
      • ASCII
      • isUpperCase
      • even/odd
      • do-while-false
      • nested loops
      • print even numbers
  • Quiz 1
  • 9 Ex1: HiLo and Solution
    • Helper functions for getInteger and getRandom check better way for getInteger

Module 2

  • 11 Structure
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3-4: Grouping Primititves
    • 5: Classes
    • 6: Using "new"
    • 7: Stack and Heap
    • 8: Dot operator - "follow pointer"
    • 9: Changing Pointers
    • 10-16: Garbage Collection
    • 17: Your Turn
  • 12, 13 More Structure
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 11: Comparing Objects
    • 12: "null: Pointers
    • 13: Passing Pointers
    • 14: Object Composition
    • 15: Heap Defaults to 0
    • 16: Complex Example
    • 17: Your Turn
  • Examples: - Points - Lines - Triangles
  • 14,15 Objects
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3-4: Data with Functions
    • 5-6: Together at Last
    • 7: Invoking Methods
    • 8-10: OO Concept: Encapsulation
    • 11: Permissions
    • 20: Benefit and Cost
    • 12-15: Constructors
    • 16: Initialization Inline
    • 17-18: Object Equality
    • 18: Your Turn
    • Examples:
      • Revisit Point
      • Revisit Line
      • Revisit Triangle
  • 16,17 Arrays
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: Indexing
    • 4: Arrays are Objects (heap)
    • 5: Array Bounds
    • 6: Inialization Lists
    • 7-8: Arrays of Pointers
    • 9: Arrays as Parameters
    • 10-14: Algorithms
    • 15: Array Tools
    • 16-18: Multidimensional Arrays
    • 19: In Passing
    • 20: Your Turn
    • Examples:
      • Tinkering with Arrays
      • Bubble Sort
      • Sorting Points
      • Multidimensional Arrays
  • Quiz 2
  • Ex2: TicTacToe and Solution

Module 3

  • 20 Debugging
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • Debugging TicTacToe Make sure this all looks the same
    • 3: Your Turn
  • 21 Packages and Jars Update for modules -- make sure the box is unchecked
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: Packages Are Directories
    • 4: Packages
    • 5: Imports
    • 6: Nested Packages
    • 7-8: System Classes
    • 9: Static Imports
    • 10: Unique Package Names
    • 11: The "CLASSPATH"
    • 12: JAR Files Make sure these are the same
    • 13-14: Eclipse and Jars Updates for modules
    • 15: Your Turn
  • 22, 23 Statics and Main
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: .java and .class
    • 4: Static Blocks
    • 5: Static Initialization
    • 6: Instance Initialization
    • 7: Mains
    • 8: In Eclipse Check this for new version
    • 9: Mains Calling Mains
    • 10: Your Turn
    • Examples
      • Apache String Utils Check this for new version
      • Mains Tinkering
      • JAR tool check eclipse visual
  • Quiz 3
  • Ex3: MazeSolver and Solution
    • "maze.jar" no on the desktop -- how to get it

Module 4

  • 26 Inheritance
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: Reusing Implementation
    • 4: Extending Implementation
    • 5-6: Memory Footprint
      • upcasts and downcasts
      • instanceof
    • 7: OO Terminology
    • 8-9: Method Overrides
    • 10: Polymorphism
    • 11: Pointers and Data
    • 12: Your Turn 27 More Inheritance
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: @Override
    • 4: super
    • 5-7: Chained Constructors
    • 8-9: Object
    • 10: toString
    • 11: Methods of Objects
    • 12: "final" and "protected"
    • 13-14: The Random Point
    • 15: Your Turn
  • 28,29 Interfaces
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: The Diamond of Death
    • 4: Purely Base Classes
    • 5: Abstract Classes
    • 6: Abstract Methods
    • 7: Abstraction Rules
    • 8: Diamond Solved?
    • 9: The "interface"
    • 10: Interfaces are Base Classes
    • 11: Default Methods
    • 12: Default Methods Remove the "Java 8"
    • 13: More Diamonds
    • 14: Needed for Lambdas Remove Java 8
    • 11: (misnumbered) Design Patterns
    • 12-13: (misnumbered) The "Decorator"
    • 14: (misnumbered) By Subclassing
    • 15: (misnumbered) By Composition
    • 16: (misnumbered) Wiring up at Runtime
    • 17: (misnumbered) Your Turn
    • Examples
      • Animals
      • Tree structure
  • 30 Generics
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: Dynamic List of Points
    • 4: Stubs
    • 5: Based on an Array
    • 6: Growing the Array
    • 7: Array Copy
    • 8: Left to the Student (remove, constructor, etc)
    • 9: General Solution
    • 10: Nasty Cast
    • 11-12: Generics
    • 13: Generics in Action
    • 14: Built-ins as Objects
    • 15: Boxing
    • 16: Automatic Boxing
    • 17: Your Turn
  • 31 Collections
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: The "java.util" Collections
    • 4: List of Objects
    • 5-10: Based on an Array
    • 11: ArrayList Properties
    • 12: Linked List
    • 13: Same Interface
    • 14: LinkedList Properties
    • 15: Your Turn
  • 32 More Collections
    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: Iterators
    • 4: Using Iterators
    • 5: Collections
    • 6-7: compareTo(other)
    • 8: Maps
    • 9: HashMap
    • 10: Map Iterators
    • 11: Ad infinitum (nested collections)
    • 12: Your Turn
  • 33 Collections Examples
    • Analyzer
  • Quiz 4
  • Ex4: Vehicles and Solution

Module 5

  • 36 Exceptions

    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info Remove Java7
    • 3: Reading a Line From Disk
    • 4: Error Checking
    • 5: Merging in Error Conditions
    • 6: No Return
    • 7: Two Return Paths
    • 8-9: Catching an Exception
    • 10: Bubbling up the Stack
    • 11: You MUST Deal with Exceptions
    • 12: Looking at an Exception
    • 13: Bubbling out of Main
    • 14-15: Finally
    • 16: Finally Woes Java 7
    • 17: Multiple Exceptions
    • 18: Multiple Catches Java 7
    • 19: Your own Exception Class
    • 20: Catching by Inheritance
    • 21: Runtime Exceptions
    • 22: Your Turn
  • 37 Enumerations

    • 1: Overview
    • 2: More Info
    • 3: Ranges and Sets
    • 4: Roll Your Own
    • 5: The "enum"
    • 6-8: Using the "enum"
    • 9-10: Switches
    • 11-12: Extending the "enum"
    • 13: The "Coin" Example
    • 14: Your Turn
  • 38,39 Strings

  • 40,41,42 Streams

  • 43 Inner and Anonymous Classes

  • Quiz 5

  • Ex5: MadLibs and Solution

Module 6

  • 46 Javadocs
  • Time and Date
  • Ex6: TicTacObject and Solution