
Web-Enabled Power Strip

Primary LanguagePython

Web-Enabled Power Strip

Based on https://www.adafruit.com/product/2935 and a Raspberry Pi Zero.

As seen on Adafruit Show and Tell


Controlling with the Pi Zero

You must configure the Raspberry Pi on your network for the first use. Connect a monitor/keyboard/mouse to find your DHCP address or to configure your wireless connection. You might want to change the default login credentials from "pi/raspberry".

To control the power, point your web-browser to the IP address. The landing page shows you the status of the relay. You have buttons to turn the power on and off.

You can also use curl to script power control with GET operations on the following URLs:

  • /relay Check the status of the relay ("True" or "False")
  • /relay/on Turn the relay on
  • /relay/off Turn the relay off
