
Reporter to log test run performance based on the number of workers/processes used with test run for individual to review and optimize their maxWorker param.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Jest Performance Test Logger

A small custom reporter to optimize the worker count on your laptop, computer, containers, or servers. Log simple stats to a log.csv file in the root of the repo that is using the custom reporter. I thought logging to a csv file would be useful, if user wanted to keep info beyond the command line output, for analysis in a spreadsheet program.

Stats recorded: total tests, total suites, total time in seconds, max workers for the run

Installing & Usage with Jest

  1. Install: npm i --save-dev jest-reporter-perf-stats

  2. add the custom reporter to your jest.config.js

module.exports = {
  reporters: ['default', 'jest-reporter-perf-stats'],
  1. Run the performance benchmark with the included script:
    ./node_modules/jest-reporter-perf-stats/perf.sh <maxWorkers> <number of iterations>

Example: ./node_modules/jest-reporter-perf-stats/perf.sh 1 1

  1. View the results in log.csv, logging the following attributes:
  • total tests in test run
  • total suites in test run
  • test run duration in seconds
  • number of workers in test run

Image of log.csv File Output


PRs welcome!

Sanity check that reporter works:

  1. Clone repo and install dependencies npm i
  2. Run npm run test_one_worker
  3. Ensure log.csv outputs correctly and CLI outputs something akin to:

Image of log.csv File Output

Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 passed, 2 total
Tests:       2 failed, 2 skipped, 1 todo, 3 passed, 8 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        0.815 s, estimated 1 s
Ran all test suites.
total time for run is 0.818 seconds for 1 maxWorkers.
Total tests: 8 Total suites: 2.