
Latest webdriverio with typescript, cucumber and a web focus

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webdriverio v5, Typescript, Cucumber, Web

Inspired by WarleyGabrie for his template https://github.com/WarleyGabriel/demo-webdriverio-cucumber, I wanted to create a boilerplate project for webdriverio using typescript and cucumber. Mainly for the intellisense :).

Boilerplate project uses the following:

  • typescript
  • webdriverio and sync settings
  • cucumber
  • chai.js assertions

Includes page object pattern for ease of framework maintainence.

Getting Started

npm install
npm test

Note: you will need to install Chrome to have these run locally.


This projects uses both the spec-reporter and allure-reporter. The spec reporter offers great feedback when running from terminal and the allure reporter provides you with a nice report and screenshots that are automatically attached to failed tests. After running your the tests, run npm run report to generate the allure report. It's nifty.

Allure Overview: allure

Example of failed test with screenshot: screenshot


Christian Bromann for his work on WebdriverIO.

Dave Haeffner for his work on the-internet which is used in the examples.

Kevin Lamping for creating a neat course on WebdriverIO that helped me learn it more quickly.

Will Luce for creating an example project of WebdriverIO v4 & TypeScript that was helpful to me.

Wildbit for being a super rad place to work and giving me two weeks to work on whatever I wanted, which ultimately led to this project.