Inspired by WarleyGabrie for his template, I wanted to create a boilerplate project for webdriverio using typescript and cucumber. Mainly for the intellisense :).
Boilerplate project uses the following:
- typescript
- webdriverio and sync settings
- cucumber
- chai.js assertions
Includes page object pattern for ease of framework maintainence.
npm install
npm test
Note: you will need to install Chrome to have these run locally.
This projects uses both the spec-reporter and allure-reporter. The spec reporter offers great feedback when running from terminal and the allure reporter provides you with a nice report and screenshots that are automatically attached to failed tests. After running your the tests, run npm run report
to generate the allure report. It's nifty.
Example of failed test with screenshot:
Christian Bromann for his work on WebdriverIO.
Dave Haeffner for his work on the-internet which is used in the examples.
Kevin Lamping for creating a neat course on WebdriverIO that helped me learn it more quickly.
Will Luce for creating an example project of WebdriverIO v4 & TypeScript that was helpful to me.
Wildbit for being a super rad place to work and giving me two weeks to work on whatever I wanted, which ultimately led to this project.