
Asset Management for CodeIgniter Framework

Primary LanguagePHP

Codeigniter Assets

This package helps manage your CSS and JS files. You can configure the library to combine, minify, and cache assets. Cached assets are automatically regenerated if any file has been edited since the last cache file was generated.


Load the library as normal:


// optionally pass a config array
$this->load->library('assets', $config);

All the public methods have aliased helper functions to make working with the library easier in view files.


Adding Assets

Adding assets can be done one at a time, or by passing an array. You can mix your JS and CSS assets together, the library will manage them seperately for you.


$assets = array(

// or use the helper alias

You can optionally define a pre-minimized asset.

$asset = array(
    'file.js' => 'file.min.js'

Using groups

Assets can be grouped, they will be combined only with assets from their group and saved as a seperate cache.

$this->assets->add($assets, $group_name);

Groups can be combined, allowing you to create a new group from existing groups.

$groups = array(
$this->assets->group('admin', $groups);

// or use the helper alias
group_assets('admin', $groups);

Outputing Links

You can output all links, or just one asset type. The library will return strings of HTML tags to be echoed in your view files.

echo $this->assets->get_assets();
// or use the helper alias
echo get_assets();

// just the CSS
echo $this->assets->get_styles();
echo get_styles();

// just the JS
echo $this->assets->get_scripts();
echo get_scripts();

You can output only assets from a specified group.

echo get_assets($group_name);

// only JS in the group
echo get_scripts($group_name);

Configuring Output

All of the output helpers accept a second $config parameter. If not specified, the library will use the global values in the library.

$config = array(
    'media'     => $media_type,
    'combine'   => TRUE,
    'minify'    => TRUE
echo get_styles($group_name, $config);

// or you can be more specific
$config = array(
    'combine_css'  => TRUE,
    'minify_css'   => FALSE,
    'combine_js'   => TRUE,
    'minify_js'    => TRUE,
echo get_styles($group_name, $config);
  • media: CSS only. eg: 'print', 'screen', 'all and (min-width:500px)'
  • combine: should we combine both asset types in this group
  • minify: should we minify both asset types in this group