
There are 17 repositories under 3d-game-development topic.

  • ExoKomodo/komodo

    Komodo was spawned out of a desire to learn popular game engine design, like composition over inheritance and ECS. Komodo is an attempt at making an engine that places the developer first, providing simple control over 2D and 3D game development.

  • patrick-s-young/pinball-xr

    three.js and cannon-es webxr pinball web app

  • Resaki1/taal

    Taal is an open-source 3D browser game built with react-three-fiber that aims to combine the strategic depth of games like Anno and Civilization with an infinitely expansive, procedurally generated cubic world.

  • tarikcansandal/GameDev

    Awesome Game Development Resources

  • HandTracked-Virtual-Body-VR


    My Master's Final Project - A VR game that features IK body with physicalised hands (tracked using Oculus SDK), aiming to improve embodiment.

  • jacobz11/Office-Ninja

    A 2.5D platformer game where ninja fight monsters in office. Check out the Office_Ninja_Gameplay.mp4!!!

  • YesItsSKM/Final-VR-Project

    This repo contains the final project for my MSc VR/AR degree.

  • extfancy/cuberun

    The game is inspired by an old flash game I used to play in the late 2000s called Cubefield. My version is in full 3D and built with React, THREE.js and react-three-fiber to glue them together.

  • risal-shefin/Way-to-Mars

    3D Game Prototype

  • waleedhossam-se/3D_Visualisation-LEC_6

    Creation of 3D-triangles before animating and rotating them then, creating of 3D-cubes, translating them and giving the ability to user to move the whole scene by camera.

  • DeusArtifex/ToonTanks

    Part of unreal engine 5 course. Simple 3d game, covering pawns, actors, game mode and GUI. C++ connected with blueprint for tweaking in unreal editor,

  • JustSashaUP/Fifteen

    Student coursework on the Game "Fifteen" Using FreeGlut (OpenGL) in C++

  • MohamedAG2002/Gravel

    A minimalist game framework built with GLFW and OpenGL. Brought to you by C++.

  • MohamedAG2002/TheProblemSolver

    A 3D western arcade shooter. Except, you are playing to solve your life's problems.

  • nickhildebrant/game-engine

    3D-Game Engine using Monogame and the XNA C# framework as University Classwork

  • ranchordo/space-a-portal-story

    The github repository for an upcoming community-made unofficial Portal-based video game called Space - A Portal Story.
