
There are 41 repositories under 42abudhabi topic.

  • opsec-infosec/ft_irc-tester

    Tester for 42 ft_irc project. Uses multiple threads to create clients that can send messages and commands to your irc server.

  • i99dev/42-goinfre

    42-goinfre , is script to help you be safe from error message `No space`.

  • MaazBinNaseer/42-LibFt-

    Creating our own library folder from start

  • simon-zerisenay/42Minitalk

    42 Minitalk: Minitalk is a project that involves creating a client-server communication system using signals. The goal is to implement a client program that can send messages to a server program using signals, which are then displayed by the server.

  • i99dev/ft_irc

    implementation of the IRC network

  • simon-zerisenay/42-ft_printf

    42 ft_printf: ft_printf is a project that involves recreating the functionality of the printf function from the standard C library. The project focuses on parsing format specifiers, formatting output, and handling various data types.

  • simon-zerisenay/42_So_Long

    42 Solong is a 2D game project where players navigate through a maze, collecting items and avoiding obstacles. It involves tasks like parsing map files, handling player movement, and implementing basic game mechanics using the MinilibX graphics library.

  • simon-zerisenay/42Abudhabi_Piscine

    42 Piscine C Projects

  • i99dev/42-lab

    42-lab is script for 42 school students. It save you Time and Energy 😁 and handle for you all packages and programs that you need to install in your computer. To start your project you just need to run one command and all will be done for you.

  • Gab-182/42_AbuDhabi_Cursus_get-next-line

    Repository for get_next_line project from 42_AbuDhabi school.

  • Gab-182/42_AbuDhabi_Cursus_libft

    My Libft project in 42.abudhabi.cursus.

  • i99dev/mlx_42_examples

    This repository Explains some techniques for Use with MLX library

  • muazzam-akhtar/42-cursus

    42 Cursus - The Intermediate level / the Foundation course of 42 Abu Dhabi

  • simon-zerisenay/42_get_next_line

    Get next line is a function that takes one argument which is file descriptor and return the first line of a given file. Detailed explanation can be found in readme

  • simon-zerisenay/42_Philosophers

    42 Philosophers: Philosophers is a project that involves solving the dining philosophers problem using threads and synchronization. The goal is to implement a solution where multiple philosophers can share a limited number of resources (such as forks) without encountering deadlocks or starvation.

  • merhawi212/inception

    This project sets up a scalable web infrastructure using Docker compose, featuring NGINX, WordPress, and MariaDB in separate containers. It includes SSL encryption for secure communication, Docker volumes for data persistence, and network segregation for enhanced security -learning Docker, managing containerized app, and creating a robust web env.

  • Mr-Galt/42-Get-Next-Line

    Reading a line from a fd is way too tedious

  • Mr-Galt/42-libft

    Libft is a project at School 42, where we create our own library of useful functions in C.

  • Mr-Galt/42-Piscine

    My 42 Piscine Adventure

  • Mr-Galt/42-printf

    This project is pretty straightforward, I had to recode printf. It will be part of my future libft.

  • suhana66/cpp00

    CPP Module 00 (42 Cursus) helps us understand the specifities of C++ when compared to C. It also introduces the concept of Object-Oriented Programming.

  • suhana66/cub3d

    Cub3D (42 Cursus) consists of creating a dynamic view inside a maze using raycasting techniques and 42 school's graphical library: MiniLibx.

  • suhana66/fract-ol

    Fract-ol (42 Cursus) consists of creating graphically beautiful fractals using the 42 school graphical library: MiniLibx.

  • suhana66/ft_printf

    Ft_printf (42 Cursus) consists of coding a library that contains a simplified version of the printf function.

  • suhana66/get_next_line

    Get_next_line (42 Cursus) consists of coding a function that returns one line at a time from a file descriptor.

  • suhana66/libft

    Libft (42 Cursus) consists of coding basic C functions, which are then compiled into a library for use in other projects.

  • suhana66/minishell

    Minishell (42 Cursus) consists of creating a simple shell.

  • suhana66/minitalk

    Minitalk (42 Cursus) consists of coding a small data exchange program using UNIX signals.

  • suhana66/philosophers

    Philosophers (42 Cursus) aims to teach concurrent programming by coding a solution to the dining philosophers problem.

  • suhana66/push_swap

    Push_swap (42 Cursus) consists of sorting data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, in the smallest number of moves.

  • UchihaShaco/philosophers

    The Dining Philosophers problem: Five philosophers, alternating between thinking and eating, sharing forks without deadlocks.
