
42 Philosophers: Philosophers is a project that involves solving the dining philosophers problem using threads and synchronization. The goal is to implement a solution where multiple philosophers can share a limited number of resources (such as forks) without encountering deadlocks or starvation.

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Dinning Philosophers

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Welcome to the Philosopher project! This project is part of the curriculum at 42 and focuses on solving the dining philosophers problem using threads and synchronization techniques. The dining philosophers problem is a classic synchronization problem in computer science that illustrates resource sharing and deadlock avoidance.


The main objective of the Philosopher project is to design a program that simulates the dining philosophers problem, where a certain number of philosophers sit around a table with a shared set of forks. The philosophers alternate between thinking and eating, but to eat, they must pick up the two adjacent forks. The challenge is to ensure that each philosopher can successfully eat without causing a deadlock or starvation.


Program Design

The Philosopher project involves designing a program that simulates the dining philosophers problem. The key features of the program include:


The program represents philosophers as individual threads, each responsible for alternating between thinking and eating.


The forks are shared resources used by the philosophers to eat. Each philosopher needs two adjacent forks to eat.


The program must implement synchronization mechanisms to ensure that the philosophers can access the forks without causing conflicts or deadlocks. Techniques such as mutexes, semaphores, or other synchronization primitives can be used.

Dining Philosophers Problem

The dining philosophers problem is a classic synchronization problem in computer science that highlights challenges related to resource sharing and deadlock avoidance. It is named after a scenario where a group of philosophers is seated around a table and alternates between thinking and eating. The philosophers share a set of forks placed between them on the table.

The problem arises when each philosopher requires two adjacent forks to eat. If a philosopher picks up one fork and waits for the adjacent fork to become available, it can lead to a deadlock situation. Deadlock occurs when each philosopher is holding one fork and waiting indefinitely for the adjacent fork, resulting in a deadlock where no philosopher can proceed.

The dining philosophers problem aims to find a solution that allows all philosophers to eat without deadlocks or starvation. Several strategies can be employed to address this problem:

Resource Sharing:

Each fork can be considered a shared resource, and philosophers must properly allocate and release forks to avoid conflicts. For example, philosophers can be assigned a unique identifier and required to pick up the lower-indexed fork first, minimizing the possibility of circular dependencies.

Deadlock Avoidance:

Implementing a protocol to prevent deadlock is essential. One common approach is to use a limit on the number of philosophers allowed to pick up forks simultaneously. By limiting the number of philosophers, it ensures that at least one philosopher can eat without waiting indefinitely.

Synchronization Mechanisms:

Various synchronization techniques can be used to ensure proper resource sharing. Mutexes or semaphores can be employed to protect critical sections where philosophers access forks. These mechanisms help enforce mutual exclusion, allowing only one philosopher to hold a fork at a time.


Ensuring fairness is crucial to prevent starvation, where a philosopher is unable to eat due to other philosophers continuously acquiring the required forks. Techniques like a waiter or arbiter can be introduced to control access to the forks, ensuring that each philosopher gets a fair chance to eat.

Solving the dining philosophers problem requires finding a balance between resource sharing, synchronization, and avoiding deadlocks or starvation. It is a fundamental problem in concurrent programming, highlighting the complexities of coordinating shared resources among multiple processes or threads.

By studying and implementing solutions to the dining philosophers problem, programmers gain insights into critical synchronization concepts and techniques that are essential in developing robust and efficient concurrent systems.

Installation and Usage

To install and run the Philosopher project, follow these steps:

Clone the project repository:

			git clone https://github.com/your_username/42-philosopher.git

Navigate to the project directory:

				cd 42-philosopher

Compile the project using the provided Makefile:


Run the program with the desired number of philosophers:

./philo <number_of_philosophers> <time_to_die> <time_to_eat> <time_to_sleep> [number_of_times_each_philosopher_must_eat]

Ensure that you have the necessary libraries and dependencies installed on your system. The project's repository may provide further instructions on any additional requirements.


To test the Philosopher project and evaluate its functionality, follow these steps:

Run the program with different configurations, including various numbers of philosophers and different time constraints. Observe the behavior of the philosophers and verify that they alternate between thinking and eating. Monitor the synchronization mechanisms to ensure that the philosophers share the forks properly and avoid deadlock. Test the program with edge cases, such as a single philosopher or a large number of philosophers, to validate its robustness and performance. Measure the program's resource utilization and efficiency to ensure optimal performance. By conducting thorough testing, you can ensure the correctness and effectiveness of your implementation of the dining philosophers problem.

Note: The optional argument [number_of_times_each_philosopher_must_eat] allows you to specify a condition where each philosopher must eat a certain number of times before the program terminates.