
There are 41 repositories under 6g topic.

  • ken0225/RIS-Codes-Collection

    RIS-Codes-Collection: A Complete Collection contains the Codes for RIS(IRS) Researches.

  • NVlabs/sionna

    Sionna: An Open-Source Library for Next-Generation Physical Layer Research

  • mobinets/6G-Edge-Computing-Simulation-Deployment

    Simulation code for EdgeGO -- A resource sharing framework for 6G edge computing in massive IoT systems, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9375469/

  • NVlabs/diff-rt

    This repository contains code to reproduce some of the results from the paper Sionna RT: Differentiable Ray Tracing for Radio Propagation Modeling using the Sionna™ link-level simulator.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook43764
  • malrabeiah/DL-Massive-MIMO

    DL tackling Massive-MIMO problems

  • N00Bception/AI-Powered-5G-OpenRAN-Optimizer

    This advanced and complex project implements an AI-powered optimization system for 5G Open RAN networks. Using machine learning and deep learning, the system optimizes network performance by detecting anomalies, predicting network traffic, and dynamically allocating resources.

  • ocatak/6g-channel-estimation-dataset

    6G Wireless Communication Security - Deep Learning Based Channel Estimation Dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook28207
  • GigayasaWireless/toolkit5G

    5G Tookit provides a rich set of 3GPP standards compliant modules and libraries. These modules can be used for reseach and development on physical channels and procedures in uplink and downlink communication.

  • wineslab/deepbeam

    M. Polese, F. Restuccia, and T. Melodia, "DeepBeam: Deep Waveform Learning for Coordination-Free Beam Management in mmWave Networks", Proc. of ACM Intl. Symp. on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (ACM MobiHoc), July 2021.

  • mychele/toward-e2e-6g-terahertz-networks

    Code for M. Polese, J. Jornet, T. Melodia, M. Zorzi, “Toward End-to-End, Full-Stack 6G Terahertz Networks”, https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.07989, 2020.

  • Western-OC2-Lab/AutoML-and-Adversarial-Attack-Defense-for-Zero-Touch-Network-Security

    This repository includes code for the AutoML-based IDS and adversarial attack defense case studies presented in the paper "Enabling AutoML for Zero-Touch Network Security: Use-Case Driven Analysis" published in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook18507
  • malrabeiah/CameraPredictsBeams

    Camera based beam prediction

  • cahthuranag/agenet

    This package analyzes the age of information (AoI) in a slotted ALOHA network, providing metrics for network performance evaluation. It can be easily integrated into simulation environments for research on slotted ALOHA networks and AoI.

  • malrabeiah/learningCB

    Learning Environment-aware and hardware-compatible beam-forming codebooks

  • lasseufpa/rrm-slice-rl

    Code containing RRM simulation using RL in a scenario with RAN slicing.

  • comyx


    Comyx is an optimized and modular Python library for simulating wireless communication systems

  • 6g_security


    6G and Security repository for telecommunications and AI research. We will share our implementations and publications in 5G and beyond technology, 6G, Security, Machine learning on 6G, Massive MIMO, THz communication and communication networks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10326
  • hanisami/IScaler-DRL

    AI-based Resource Provisioning of IoE Services in 6G: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9114
  • malrabeiah/VABT

    Vision-Aided Beam Tracking

  • quasilyte/gccgo_vs_gc

    Comparing GCCGO 1.8.1 (GCC 7.2) vs GC 1.8.1 (and GC 1.10) on x86 (AMD64).

  • jracevedob/Post-Shannon-SDR

    In this repository, you will find the source code for analyzing tracks during data transmission using Software Defined Radios. Metrics about error positioning and error syndrome are attached.

  • CasuallyClued/6G-Resource-Allocation-MILP

    A set of mixed-integer linear programs designed to reduce the CO2 emissions of a simulated 6G cloud-fog network architecture. Designed in AMPL.

  • natanzi/RAN-Fusion

    RAN Fusion a NextG RAN Simulator

  • Cgruppo/AIVideo

    AIVideo is 5G + 6G AVR AIVideo + AR + VR .

  • BPalhano/Simulador_Antenas

    Long term study on cell-free massive MIMO for 6G communication.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • brian09088/ROC_SATCOM

    Satellites, communications, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

  • foraxe/6G-logo

    The 6G logo files from 3GPP & AI file we draw

  • jbdore/BRAVE

    BRAVE is a collaborative research project started in January 2018, that aims at creating new physical-layer (PHY) techniques devoted to beyond-5G wireless communications. The partners (Siradel, Central-Supélec, CEA-Leti and ANFR) are designing new high-data-rate and energy-efficient waveforms that operate in frequencies above 90 GHz. Application to scenarios such as kiosks, backhauling, hotspots are assessed to evaluate the benefit of the proposed technology. http://www.brave-beyond5g.com/

  • jracevedob/RISC-ARA

    The PULP Ara is a 64-bit Vector Unit, compatible with the RISC-V Vector Extension Version 1.0, working as a coprocessor to CORE-V's CVA6 core

  • LucasCwy/Federated-Edge-AI-For-6G

    Combination of federated learning algorithm and 6G technology.

  • Marialisa/Complex6GNFPlacement

    This repository contains the implementation of the Complex-based 6G Network Functions Placement Algorithm.

  • openaicellular/RANFusion

    RAN Simulator for OAICT

  • rogerio-silva/lorawan-gym

    Development of ns-3 simulation scenery using on openAiGym, Lorawan and NR-5G modules.

  • WuShengHan/plot_ldpc

    LDPC & comparison are placed here for next-gen FEC (ECC). Ultra optimal design for performance, power, area, reliability,and flexibility.

  • tariromukute/OpenN6LAN

    This project implements the N6-LAN network segment to steer classified subsets of network traffic to specifically chained network functions (VNFs) for processing, also referred to as Service Function Chaining (SFC)
