BRAVE is a collaborative research project started in January 2018, that aims at creating new physical-layer (PHY) techniques devoted to beyond-5G wireless communications. The partners (Siradel, Central-Supélec, CEA-Leti and ANFR) are designing new high-data-rate and energy-efficient waveforms that operate in frequencies above 90 GHz. Application to scenarios such as kiosks, backhauling, hotspots are assessed to evaluate the benefit of the proposed technology. http://www.brave-beyond5g.com/

BRAVE overview

BRAVE is a collaborative research project started in January 2018, that aimed at creating new physical-layer (PHY) techniques devoted to beyond-5G wireless communications. The partners designed new high-data-rate and energy-efficient waveforms that operate in frequencies between 90 GHz and 300 GHz i.e; in the sub-THz spectrum. Application to scenarios such as kiosks, backhauling, hotspots were assessed to evaluate the benefit of the proposed technology. Partners are SIRADEL (service & software solution provider), CEA-Leti (research institute), Centrale-Supélec (engineering school), and ANFR (spectrum regulator). You will find below in this page:

  • Main project's conclusions;
  • Publications (deliverables, scientific articles, and white papers);
  • Free sub-THz channel samples obtained from ray-tracing.

BRAVE conclusions

The BRAVE research project ended on November 30, 2021, after nearly four years dedicated to the exploration, optimization and demonstration of a new physical layer for ultra-broadband beyond-5G or 6G technologies in the sub-THz frequency bands. BRAVE partners are SIRADEL (service & software solution provider), CEA-Leti (research institute), Centrale-Supélec (engineering school), and ANFR (spectrum regulator). A summary of our final technical proposals was delivered in a white paper: Connectivity in the Sub-THz Spectrum: A Path to 6G.

We relied on the spectrum regulation opportunities (up to 105 GHz of band potentially usable by land mobile communication networks between frequencies 100 and 300 GHz) and modeling of physical layer deficiencies (propagation channel, phase noise) to design suitable waveforms and adjust their parameters: Single-carrier; Polar-QAM modulation; Filter-shape Index Modulation (FSIM); and MIMO energy detector. Those solutions offer a range of trade-offs in terms complexity, energy consumption and data rates, which permits to answer several sub-THz use cases.

BRAVE solution paradigm

We demonstrated our proposals based on key beyond-5G applications, which require data rates in range from several Gbps to 1 Tbps, and may have strong societal and economical impacts: high-capacity back/front-haul; fixed wireless access; broadband device-to-device (D2D); or enhanced hotspots. See details in Deliverable D1.2: Final regulation status, Scenarios and Requirements updates (Nov. 2021). From the simulated scenarios, we found system parameters (e.g. network dimension, transmit power, antenna gains) and appropriate compromises that answer the use case requirements. Studies are reported in Deliverable D3.1: Performance assessments (Nov. 2021). Please visit our website if you are interested in BRAVE achievements. Most project’s deliverables, scientific publications, predicted channel data, and workshop presentations are freely available; links are given below; we will be pleased and honored if those outcomes are exploited in future research and technology work towards efficient beyond-5G communication systems.

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BRAVE Project dissemination

Publications at conferences





  • M. Saad, J. Palicot, F. Bader, A. C. Al Ghouwayel and H. Hijazi, “Filter Shape Index Modulation,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Montreal, Canada, June 2021.

Journal publications

Related scientific publications

  • J. Palicot, F. Bader, “Backing to single carrier in Tera Hertz communications for green considerations“, 32th URSI GASS, Montréal, Canada, August 2017.
  • L. Pometcu and R. D’Errico, “Characterization of sub-THz and mmWave Propagation Channel for Indoor Scenarios”, EuCAP 2018, London, UK, April 2018.
  • J. Stéphan, Y. Corre, R. Charbonnier and Y. Lostanlen, “Increased Reliability of Outdoor Millimeter-Wave Link Simulations by Leveraging Lidar Point Cloud”, EuCAP 2018, London, UK, April 2018.


  • D1.0: B5G wireless Tbps Scenarios and Requirements, Nov. 2018. This document presents a description of applicative scenarios and use cases in which ultra-high throughput (of order of Tbps) wireless communication systems are envisaged in bands above 90 GHz: kiosk download, wireless backhauling, Fixed Wireless Access (FWA), drones, server farm, hotspots with Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR) multiple users, inter- or intra-chip communications. An insight on the spectrum availability to deploy such wireless communications is provided based on the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) guidance and recommendations.

  • D1.1: Preliminary Regulation status, Dec. 2019. This document provides an overview of the main regulatory bodies involved in spectrum management, their role and how their respective deliverables interrelate. Particular attention is given to the harmonisation process in Europe and on the necessary complementarity between regulations on frequencies use and harmonised standards applicable to radio equipment. Practical examples of regulatory solutions supporting various fixed and mobile communication applications – under different regulatory regimes – are presented for illustration.

  • D1.2: Final regulation status, Scenarios and Requirements updates, Nov. 2021. Three main 6G use case families are targeted for sub-THz exploitation: high-capacity backhaul; enhanced short-range hotspot; and device-to device communications. This deliverable D1.2 gives an updated definition of use cases and requirements that were first published in deliverable D1.0, and then were considered in BRAVE studies. The status on international and French sub-THz regulation is updated as well, but remains roughly unchanged since the publication of deliverable D1.1. Besides, This document gives a brief overview on visions shared by major equipment vendors, industry alliances, or researchers, on 6G communications and sub-THz/THz spectrum. The BRAVE two-fold paradigm is exposed for the physical sub-THz layer that answers those use cases either with ultra-high data rates or a broadband low-complexity (and low-energy) system or in-between compromises.

  • D2.0: Propagation channel model & RF impairments definition, Feb. 2019. This deliverable gives a state-of-the-art and first BRAVE outcomes related to the characterization and modelling of the sub-THz physical layer (above 90 GHz). This will serve the identification of appropriate radio modulation schemes and efficient waveforms for sub-THz beyond-5G communications; and will contribute to the performance assessment in terms of coverage range, throughput, capacity, signal processing complexity and power consumption.

  • D2.1: Propagation channel model and RF impairments definition and waveform design, Dec 2020. This technical deliverable D2.1, provides valuable results on propagation channel and RF impairments modelling, proposed waveform, related transceiver architecture/algorithm and initial performance evaluation.

  • D2.1 addendum: Waveform Design for low-power ultra-high data rate system, Oct 2021. This document gives complementary results to deliverable D2.1, regarding the definition and test of innovative energy-efficient sub-THz  modulation schemes (index modulation in the filter domain).

  • D3.0: Interface specification, June 2020. The work package WP3 in BRAVE has two objectives: 1) integrate the main project’s innovations and scenarios into simulation test platforms; and then 2) produce evaluation results for demonstration and dissemination of beyond-5G (B5G) technologies found valuable. This deliverable D3.0, which is edited at the earliest stage of the work package WP3, aims at describing the various models or software blocks that will be interfaced or integrated, as well as the evaluation plan.

  • D3.1: Performance assessments, Nov. 2021. After definition of beyond-5G scenarios and new spectrum opportunities in work-package WP1 of BRAVE project, elaboration of new models for the sub-THz physical layer  and design of adapted efficient waveforms within work-package WP2, the proposed solutions are demonstrated in work-package WP3.  This deliverable D3.1 describes the main integrated results of the project: performance of investigated physical layers over various sub-THz environments digitally modelled.

White papers

Open data

BRAVE shares part of the data produced during its research in order to make them profitable to the 6G scientific and technological community. This data can be freely used for private activities. However, if exploited into a published or patented work, we kindly ask users to properly acknowledge the help by BRAVE partners. For any question, please contact us.

The backhaul link performance predictions described in deliverable D3.1 (see appendix A.1) can be downloaded as a Matlab file from here.

The dual-polar ray-tracing channel predictions for the kiosk scenario described in deliverable D3.1 (see appendix A.2) can be downloaded as Matlab files here.

The data is stored on a Github repository with public access. You may download a particular file by clicking the filename and then button “Download”. Or the whole BRAVE open dataset may also be downloaded as a single ZIP file from button “Code” in the root repository page.

Open data scenarios