
There are 13 repositories under analysis-package topic.

  • goldest-star/binary-analysis-tool

    A multi-platform GUI for bit-based analysis, processing, and visualization

  • c0deta1ker/ARPEScape

    ARPEScape is a MATLAB-based app that contains a set of tools and functions for analysing the electronic structure of materials using photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) techniques, such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES).

  • c0deta1ker/ARPESGUI

    A MATLAB GUI used for the analysis of soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SX-ARPES) experiments that give direct access to the electronic band-structure of a material. Designed to be directly compatible with the data format of SX-ARPES experiments at the ADRESS beamline, at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) in the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), but can be generalised to other data formats if required.

  • sparkx


    SPARKX - Software Package for Analyzing Relativistic Kinematics in Collision eXperiments

  • Azzinoth/HabiCAT3D

    HabiCAT 3D is an open-source software that implements novel algorithms for generating multi-scale complexity metrics maps(like rugosity, fractal dimension, vector dispersion and others) for complex 3D habitat models.

  • FredGainza/generateACP

    Génération data et graphs d'une ACP

  • RayLabIIITD/pyLFDA

    pyLFDA is a tool which allows analysis of pairwise lipid force distribution along with other functions such as curvature and diffusion.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • shoubhikraj/water-order

    A fast, OpenMP parallelised C++ package that calculates the radial distribution of various local order parameters for water droplets from MD trajectories.

  • Illustratien/toolStability

    r package for calculating stability indices

  • seabbs/ETSMissing

    Explore and evaluate the mechanisms for missing data in the Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance system.

  • dwief-usgs/dam-removal-science-by-spatial-feature

    Identifies dam removal science for spatial units of interest

  • Fraidesolomon/scaling-guide

    This project will be helping most statiscian as they are carrying their own projects, acquiring new skills of data analysis and others

  • dwief-usgs/relevant-dam-removal-literature

    Query dam removal science literature based on dam characteristics and landscape characteristics.