There are 191 repositories under bcrypt-nodejs topic.
Node with mysql boilerplate
A Fitness and Nutrition Tracking App
A cookie-based Node.js session implementation using Express.js and Redis
A Full-stack CRUD react web application helps people to keep track of the food consumed and customise their eating diet
CRUD completo com Autenticação de rotas e TOKEN para acesso e manipulação das rotas. Conexão com o Heroku e MongoDB Atlas.
🔒 Password management made simpler. 🚩Generate a secure passkey instantly🚀 from your command line. Also supports passkey validation and CRUD functionality on MongoDB Atlas.🔑
All-in-one Coding platform, which includes numerous micro-services like Code Runner, Code sharing and Contest Watcher that is intended to assist Competitive Programming enthusiasts.
Created A GraphQL API Server with Apollo, Node.js, MongoDB. Jwt Authentication, Cursor Pagination, DB Query Batching & Caching.
A food inventory management application built using React.js, Node.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL.
A Node.js-based backend for Hospitality_MobileClient that can be used to check out the nearest hospitals to you in a specific given range and can be used to check the availabilities and info of the hospitals.
Back-end server designed to help medical professionals and patients' medical life, including appointments, EMRs, and medicine reminders, symptoms diagnosis. It provides a secure, centralized platform for patients and healthcare providers to collaborate and share information, improving the quality of care provided.
Beautify is a backend server designed to provide a comprehensive management solution for a cosmetics store. It is built using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, offering a robust and scalable backend architecture.
Collection of Full Stack Web Dev Projects using ExpressJS, MongoDB, Redis, Firebase, Pug, EJS etc.
Dental clinic appointment booking system where users can book an appointment with Dentist. Users can see all the available clinics in their city. Dentist can register to our app and add their Clinic, and they can view their clinic's booked slots. Admin can view and delete users & clinics, he can block a particular user also.
A minimal social media platform, where users can sign up, upload pictures, create and modify their profiles, create and modify events, make friends, and look for events nearby!
A simple Secure REST API using NodeJS, Express, JWT and MondoDB(mongoose)
Simple Financial Control allows you to add expenses and incomes in order to know better how you're spending your money
Customizable dashboard/homepage with authentication build with vue and expressJs
Sample APIs are created using NodeJS, ExpressJS , SQLite where only authenticated users can perform any operation on the database. JWT Tokens are used to verify users and only if user has valid JWT token he can perform operations on the database. Middleware functions are used to authenticate.
This is a full-stack group project app that utilizes express.js for routing, mySQL for the database, Sequelize as an ORM for data rigidity, axios for 3rd party API calls, lodash for data manipulation, Handlebars as the templating engine, bcrypt for password hashing, and dotenv for sensitive information.
Implemented expected end-points on server for Smart Brain face detection app
🔎 Face Recognition App (Back-End)
It's the 2020 project. It will be released on the Play Store in August 2020 and is an application for people who eat alone.
This MERN-Chatting-App is a real-time messaging platform. It supports user authentication, one-on-one and group chats, with real-time updates via WebSockets. The responsive React.js front-end ensures a smooth UX, while the Node.js and Express.js backend efficiently manages data and user interactions.
Task Management with mongodb,nodejs
This web application allows users to sign up, log in, create a Demet account, stock analysis, maintain a portfolio, Read relevant Articles, Buy and sell stocks
Api for logistical controller developed through a partnership program with IFood
A Full-stack MERN application with basic CRUD operations. A simple social media app to share interesting events from your lives in the form of posts.
this ReactJs project is a secure and private chat application for medical purposes between doctors and patients using GetStream.io and SMS notifier using Twilio
:white_flag: Using JWT (Json Web Token) to authorize user at backend
The objective of this assignment is to create a web-based task management application using the MERN stack (MySQL, Express.js, React, Node.js) that allows users to add, update, delete, and view tasks.
In this repository, you'll discover our Advanced Video Hosting Backend project! We've created this high-tech backend system using modern technologies like Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, JWT, Bcrypt, and more.
This project demonstrates secure user authentication in a MERN stack application, leveraging JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Bcrypt for effective password hashing and session management. It provides a comprehensive solution for implementing authentication and authorization in web applications.
v1.4 commit worked successfully also axios suck