
Dental clinic appointment booking system where users can book an appointment with Dentist. Users can see all the available clinics in their city. Dentist can register to our app and add their Clinic, and they can view their clinic's booked slots. Admin can view and delete users & clinics, he can block a particular user also.

Primary LanguageHTML

Smile Slot Logo(1)


                                         Work-Flow of our system

Index Page

                                             Home Page

Sign In Page

                Sign In Page [https://dull-cyan-hatchling-yoke.cyclic.app/users/login]

Sign Up Page

                Sign Up Page [https://dull-cyan-hatchling-yoke.cyclic.app/users/signup]

Book Appointment Page

              Book Appointment [https://dull-cyan-hatchling-yoke.cyclic.app/users/bookslot/:clinicId]

Dentist Panel

                Dentist Panel [https://dull-cyan-hatchling-yoke.cyclic.app/users/addclinic]

Dentist Appointments

        Dentist Appointments [https://dull-cyan-hatchling-yoke.cyclic.app/users/dentist/appointments]

Users Data Admin Portal

      Admin Portal to view & block users [https://dull-cyan-hatchling-yoke.cyclic.app/admin/getusers]

Clinic Data Admin Portal

    Admin Portal to view & delete clinics [https://dull-cyan-hatchling-yoke.cyclic.app/admin/allclinics]