
There are 230 repositories under bluemix topic.

  • watson-developer-cloud/java-sdk

    :1st_place_medal: Java SDK to use the IBM Watson services.

  • watson-developer-cloud/unity-sdk

    :video_game: Unity SDK to use the IBM Watson services.

  • IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm

  • IBM/Kubernetes-container-service-GitLab-sample

    This code shows how a common multi-component GitLab can be deployed on Kubernetes cluster. Each component (NGINX, Ruby on Rails, Redis, PostgreSQL, and more) runs in a separate container or group of containers.

  • IBM/Scalable-WordPress-deployment-on-Kubernetes

    This code showcases the full power of Kubernetes clusters and shows how can we deploy the world's most popular website framework on top of world's most popular container orchestration platform.

  • IBM-Cloud/todo-apps

    Sample ToDo application (various languages) running on IBM Cloud

  • IBM/Scalable-Cassandra-deployment-on-Kubernetes

    In this code we provide a full roadmap the deployment of a multi-node scalable Cassandra cluster on Kubernetes. Cassandra understands that it is running within a cluster manager, and uses this cluster management infrastructure to help implement the application. Kubernetes concepts like Replication Controller, StatefulSets etc. are leveraged to deploy either non-persistent or persistent Cassandra clusters on Kubernetes cluster.

  • CognitiveBuild/Chatbot

    🤖 Build your own chatbot base on IBM Watson

  • IBM-Cloud/get-started-python

    A Python application and tutorial that use Flask framework to provide a REST API to receive requests from the UI. The API then persists the data to a Cloudant database.

  • IBM-Cloud/logistics-wizard

    The Logistics Wizard is an end-to-end, smart supply chain management solution that showcases how to execute hybrid cloud, microservices, and predictive data analytics in the real world.

  • victorshinya/awesome-ibmcloud

    A curated list of awesome IBM Cloud SDKs, open source repositories, tools, blogs and other resources.

  • snowch/movie-recommender-demo

    This project walks through how you can create recommendations using Apache Spark machine learning. There are a number of jupyter notebooks that you can run on IBM Data Science Experience, and there a live demo of a movie recommendation web application you can interact with. The demo also uses IBM Message Hub (kafka) to push application events to topic where they are consumed by a spark streaming job running on IBM BigInsights (hadoop).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10011356
  • IBM/CognitiveConcierge

    WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning: This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.

  • IBM/GameOn-Java-Microservices-on-Kubernetes

    This code demonstrates deployment of a Microservices based application Game On! on to Kubernetes cluster. Game On! is a throwback text-based adventure built to help you explore microservice architectures and related concepts.

  • IBM/cognitive-social-crm

    An application that monitors a Twitter feed and determines customer sentiment using IBM Watson Assistant, Tone Analyzer, Natural Language Understanding, as well as CloudantDB

  • IBM/visualize-data-with-python

    A Jupyter notebook using some standard techniques for data science and data engineering to analyze data for the 2017 flooding in Houston, TX.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook59221878
  • IBM/drupal-nginx-php-kubernetes

    Demonstration of a set of NGINX and PHP-FPM containers running Drupal deployed to Kubernetes on the IBM Container Service.

  • cdimascio/nationalparks_conversation

    Chatbots and Watson: Let’s talk about national parks: course source code

  • IBM/ibm-cloud-functions-serverless-ocr-openchecks

    Serverless bank check deposit processing with object storage and optical character recognition using Apache OpenWhisk powered by IBM Cloud Functions. See the Tech Talk replay for a demo.

  • IBM-Cloud/nodejs-MEAN-stack

    Solution tutorial: Modern Web Application using MEAN stack on IBM Cloud

  • IBM-Cloud/health-blockchain

    A blockchain for fitness data demo

  • IBM/serverless-home-automation

    WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning: This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.

  • IBM-Cloud/bluemix-go

    Go library for accessing the Bluemix API

  • IBM/OpenWhisk-on-Kubernetes

    This code demonstrates the deployment of OpenWhisk on Kubernetes cluster from Bluemix container service

  • ibmresearchuk/node-red-bluemix-nodes

    A collection of node-red nodes for the IBM Bluemix platform

  • IBM-Swift/swift-buildpack

    IBM Cloud buildpack for Swift

  • IBM/ibm-cloud-functions-serverless-apis

    Create a serverless, event-driven application with Apache OpenWhisk on IBM Cloud Functions that executes code in response to HTTP REST API calls.

  • IBM-Cloud/get-started-java

    Sample and tutorial to help you get started with a Java EE app, REST API and a database.

  • IBM-Cloud/hackathon-prep-material

    Getting ready for a Bluemix hackathon? Here is some great material to get you started.

  • IBM/node-red-dsx-workflow

    This journey helps to build a complete end-to-end analytics solution using IBM Watson Studio. This repository contains instructions to create a custom web interface to trigger the execution of Python code in Jupyter Notebook and visualise the response from Jupyter Notebook on IBM Watson Studio.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2619742
  • ibm-cloud-architecture/refarch-cloudnative-netflix

    Reference application for deploying microservice-based applications onto IBM Bluemix, leveraging the Netflix OSS framework.

  • IBM/banking-digitalization-using-hybrid-cloud-with-mainframes

    The following journey will introduce the available Banking APIs published on IBM Cloud with logical business programs running on the IBM Z Mainframe through a simulated retail bank called MPLbank.

  • IBM/watson-multimedia-analyzer

    WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode. A Node app that use Watson Visual Recognition, Speech to Text, Natural Language Understanding, and Tone Analyzer to enrich media files.

  • IBM/ibm-cloud-functions-data-processing-message-hub

    Create a serverless, event-driven application with Apache OpenWhisk on IBM Cloud Functions that executes code in response to messages or to handle streams of data records from Apache Kafka or IBM Message Hub.

  • data-henrik/watson-conversation-tool

    Python-based command line tool to manage workspaces and test conversations for IBM Watson Assistant on IBM Cloud

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2161518
  • IBM/detect-timeseriesdata-change

    WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning: This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21141122