There are 330 repositories under buzzer topic.
μReflow Oven controller based on ESP32 with MicroPython & LVGL
The Beep Library For Arduino
RPI Pico / Micropython library to play music through one or more buzzers, can automatically replace chords with fast arpeggios to simulate polyphony with a single buzzer. Music can be easily taken from
A complete home automation system developed on ESP32 microcontroller using freeRTOS. The system is controlled wirelessly via Bluetooth with an android app developed using MIT App Inventor.
Code to play "Pirates of the Caribbean" Theme Song on a Arduino via a Buzzer. Learn how this is built:
Security camera based on a raspberry pi and Telegram, controllable by smartphone
Play super mario them on your raspberry pi with passive/active buzzer
An Arduino library to play melodies on buzzers. Melodies can be easily written in RTTTL or in a custom human-readable format. Only for ESP8266 and ESP32.
C# library to use Sony PS2/PS3 buzz usb controllers in Windows
A Tracker to Check the availability of vaccine through pincode and buzzer in case of availability
fpga i2c rtc oled based clock with alarm supports buzzer
A real time mask detection system to open and close the door
In metro cities we can see you a huge rush at shopping malls on holidays and weekends. This becomes even more when there are huge offers and discounts. Nowadays people purchase a variety of items and put them in the trolley. After total purchasing one should approach counter for billing purpose. By using barcode the cashier prepares the bill which is a time consuming process. This results in long queues at the billing counters. This project presents an idea to develop a system in shopping malls to overcome the above problem. To achieve this all products in the mall should be equipped with RFID tags and smart check-out counter. First of all customer must login / signup with the system. When one puts any product on RFID reader its code will be detected automatically, the item name and cost will be displayed on the LCD, thereby the cost gets added to the total bill. You need to continue this process until you complete with scanning of all the products. After completion, you may generate the bill which would be mailed to your registered account and the amount will be debited from your registered credit card. By doing this lot of time and man power can be saved.
Converts MML to beep music score. 转换MML乐谱到beep谱
Homy is a Smart Home System with Android app to control some of your home components via Bluetooth connection between your Android device & Bluetooth module with Arduino.
Arduino/ESP32 module for easily manage multiple LED blinking/breathing or Buzzer beats with different pattern. Work with digital pin (blinking), analog pin (breathing) or 74HC595 shift register (blink only).
This is a Quartus Prime FPGA project testing the functionality of the LogiFind Altera Cyclone IV EP4CE6E22C8N Development Board. This product can also be found on eBay where I bought it from. I hope to provide base code that will help others in their learning with this development board.
A Full-stack CRUD web application. Users create posts (buzzes) and also see the posts of other users they follow. Built with Ruby-on-Rails, HTML, CSS, bootstrap.
Countdown Timer: Range 1-99 minutes. Output: time (mm:ss) to seven segment display(TM1637) and Audio to Buzzer. Input: Push button to start. 10K Pot used for time select.
Python library for intercoms
Digital clock implemented in vhdl for the Basys 3 Board from Digilent.
Control the device buzzer when an NFC card is detected. ACR122U or compatible NFC reader devices.
A simple micropython pwm buzzer driver, which supports the application of uasycio to achieve multi-channel music playback, or multi-channels merged into one to achieve chord sound playback.
Scaled datacenter monitoring app for continuously increasing datacenter rooms.
IOT Kelembapan Tanah
Adoptez un caractère inclusif !
Example projects that I created based on components received with Adafruit's Adabox001.
Samraksh - IoT Based Women Safety Device! ( Anveshana 2021-2022 Mini Project )
Couch gaming system for television shows. Buzz from your smartphone to pause the TV!
Mobile friendly buzzer web-app that can be used for quizzes.
This OctoPrint plugin implements a shutdown physical button for the Rasperry Pi, with a buzzer and a status LED.
Swift + Orange Pi + Buzzer
A cooking timer made with 7-segment LED, knob and buzzer
Buzzer for photobooth-app. Based on ESP32 emulating a keyboard to remotely trigger capture actions.
In this project, we will develop a system that monitors the temperature, humidity, smoke leakage, current voltage, and vibration of the server room via an Arduino IoT dashboard. In addition to attempting to detect and alert for Power Failure, Fire, Smoke, etc., this system will also integrate automation at the edge level for temperature control.