
There are 123 repositories under call-for-code topic.

  • ClusterDuck-Protocol


    Firmware for an ad-hoc mesh network of Internet-of-Things devices based on LoRa (Long Range radio) that can be deployed quickly and at low cost.

  • IBM/tensorflow-hangul-recognition

    Handwritten Korean Character Recognition with TensorFlow and Android

  • IBM/BlockchainNetwork-CompositeJourney

    Part 1 in a series of patterns showing the building blocks of a Blockchain application

  • openeew/openeew

    Introduction to OpenEEW, an open-source Earthquake Early-Warning toolkit

  • Liquid-Prep


    Liquid Prep offers an end-to-end solution for farmers looking to optimize their water usage, especially during times of drought.

  • DroneAid


    Aerial scout for first responders. DroneAid uses machine learning to detect calls for help on the ground placed by those in need.

  • IBM/nlc-icd10-classifier

    A simple web app that shows how Watson's Natural Language Classifier (NLC) can classify ICD-10 code. The app is written in Python using the Flask framework and leverages the Watson Developer Cloud Python SDK

  • IBM/CognitiveConcierge

    WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning: This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.

  • IBM/powerai-vision-object-detection

    Use deep learning to create a model and a REST endpoint to allow your app to detect, locate and count your product on store shelves

  • Solution-Starter-Kit-Communication-2020


    Materials for the Call for Code 2020 solution starter kit for crisis communication in the context of COVID-19.

  • IBM/cognitive-social-crm

    An application that monitors a Twitter feed and determines customer sentiment using IBM Watson Assistant, Tone Analyzer, Natural Language Understanding, as well as CloudantDB

  • Open-Sentencing


    To help public defenders better serve their clients, Open Sentencing shows racial bias in data such as demographics providing insights for each case

  • IBM/air-traffic-control

    # WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning: This content is no longer being updated or maintained. The content is provided “as is.” Given the rapid evolution of technology, some content, steps, or illustrations may have changed.

  • IBM/watson-discovery-ui

    Develop a fully featured Node.js web app built on the Watson Discovery Service

  • IBM/watson-vehicle-damage-analyzer

    A server and mobile app to send pictures of vehicle damage to IBM Watson Visual Recognition for classification

  • IBM/visualize-data-with-python

    A Jupyter notebook using some standard techniques for data science and data engineering to analyze data for the 2017 flooding in Houston, TX.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook59221878
  • IBM/global-citizen

    WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning: This repository, which contains assets to run a Hyperledger Composer application, is not being actively maintained due to a shift to focus on Hyperledger Fabric. This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.

  • IBM/predictive-model-on-watson-ml

    Create and deploy a predictive model using Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning

  • Call-for-Code/Project-Sample

    A basic GitHub repository example for new Call for Code submissions and those that join the Call for Code with The Linux Foundation initiative.

  • IBM/rainbow

    Use Watson Visual Recognition and Core ML to create a Kitura-based iOS game that has a user search for a predetermined list of objects

  • openeew/openeew-sensor

    Hardware for an OpenEEW sensor

  • Spot-Challenge-Wildfires

    Call-for-Code/Spot-Challenge-Wildfires - predict the wildfire/bushfire area for 7 regions in Australia for each day in February 2021

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4110130
  • Solution-Starter-Kit-Water-2021


    2021 Call for Code Global Challenge solution starter kit: Clean water and sanitation.

  • Solution-Starter-Kit-Hunger-2021


    2021 Call for Code Global Challenge solution starter kit: Zero hunger.

  • Pyrrha


    Version 4 of the Prometeo codebase released as Pyrrha, a Call for Code® with The Linux Foundation project. Start here, then explore the hardware, firmware, analytics, and mobile components.

  • Call-for-Code/Project-Catalog

    This repository links to projects created as part of Call for Code activities, including those that are not officially hosted by The Linux Foundation.

  • IBM/real-time-payments

    Code for a Developer Journey that uses the Financial APIs on Bluemix. This application uses this service to send and request payments.

  • IBM/predict-opioid-prescribers

    A pattern focusing on how to use scikit learn and python in Watson Studio to predict opioid prescribers based off of a 2014 kaggle dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3529539
  • IBM/predict-wildfire-intensity

    WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated.

  • IBM/IoT-AssetTracking-Perishable-Network-Blockchain

    WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning: This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode. Refer to for a similar example.


    Build Change - Intelligent Supervision Assistant for Construction - Sistema Inteligente de Monitoreo de Obra. This project is an offshoot of PD3R, runner-up in the CFC 2018 Global Challenge.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3095311
  • IBM/Predictive-Industrial-Visual-Analysis

    WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning: This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.

  • IBM/visualize-food-insecurity

    Use Watson Analytics and Pixie Dust to visualize US Food Insecurity

    Language:Jupyter Notebook28312426
  • Prometeo-Pyrrha


    Former repository for Prometeo, winner of the Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge, open sourced as Pyrrha (see links within this repo). It measures toxin exposure in real time and analyzes trends over time.

  • Solution-Starter-Kit-Cooperation-2020


    Materials for the Call for Code 2020 solution starter kit for community collaboration in the context of COVID-19.

  • openeew/openeew-dashboard

    Dashboards for monitoring devices, events, users, data and more. Built on Carbon and React.
