
There are 9 repositories under carekit topic.

  • CareKit


    CareKit is an open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health.

  • netreconlab/parse-hipaa

    HIPAA & GDPR compliant ready parse-server with postgres/mongo, parse-hipaa-dashboard. Compatible with ParseCareKit

  • netreconlab/ParseCareKit

    Securely synchronize any CareKit based app to a Parse Server Cloud. Compatible with parse-hipaa.

  • netreconlab/CareKitSample-ParseCareKit

    An example SwiftUI CareKit app that auto synchronizes iOS/watchOS to the cloud via ParseCareKit and parse-hipaa

  • netreconlab/hipaa-postgres

    HIPAA & GDPR compliant ready Postgres Database with PostGIS and PGAuditor

  • Jason-TsangGL/Mindful-Moves

    Adherence of Canadian 24-hr Movement Guideline Profiles in young adults through personal smart devices and the potential links to depressive symptoms. A Pilot Study

  • IBMDeveloperMEA/carekit-hyperprotect-lab

    CareKit is an open source framework that helps users better understand and manage their health by creating dynamic care plans, tracking symptoms, connecting to care teams, and more. CareKit itself doesn’t include a back end, so it’s up to the developers to include a back end of their choice. This typically means implementing the synchronization API for their cloud provider of choice. IBM was one of the first cloud providers to implement the synchronization API, and consumed the Hyper Protect set of offerings to provide a HIPAA-ready back end.

  • netreconlab/parse-server-carekit

    Adds CareKit and table auditing to a Parse Server via Cloud Code

  • lelea2/CMPE297_Project

    IOS Project, experience with IOS Healthkit
