
There are 22 repositories under climate-data-analysis topic.

  • xCDAT/xcdat

    An extension of xarray for climate data analysis on structured grids.

  • python-cmethods


    A collection of bias correction techniques written in Python - for climate sciences.

  • csyhuang/hn2016_falwa

    Python library for computing Finite-Amplitude Local Wave Activity from climate data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2946215
  • andersy005/spark-xarray

    This is an experimental project that seeks to integrate PySpark and xarray for Climate Data Analysis.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook22789
  • Dan-Boat/pyClimat

    This repository contains scripts for Python Module for Climate Data Analysis and Visualization, which is under development. The module performs many climate data analysis like correlation, significance testing, causality testing, estimation of climatologies, etc. The current version of package can be used, however, it must be handle with caution since most of the functions are yet to be tested. Kindly contact me for help if required.

  • NCAS-CMS/cf-plot

    Code-light plotting for earth science and aligned research

  • kuchaale/Himalayas_impact_polar-vortex

    Code for the paper submitted to On the impact of Himalaya-induced gravity waves on the polar vortex, Rossby wave activity and ozone

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6210
  • sea-surface-temp-viz


    Sea Surface Temp Visualization

  • NCAS-CMS/cf-view

    Exploration and plotting GUI for netCDF and Met Office format data

  • xCDAT/xcdat-validation

    The xCDAT validation repository for exploring, prototyping, and testing feature ideas.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook33273
  • kuchaale/wcd_2020

    Code for the paper submitted to Weather and Climate Dynamics

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2202
  • mkorendyke/CLIM680

    repository for a class

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • danielwiegand/climate-justice

    Interactive website around climate justice

  • pguillo02/AEMET-SCRAPPER

    Scrapper developed for the DACD course. Obtain weather information :umbrella: directly from the AEMET database. Keep track of the climatic conditions :snowflake: all around the country

  • shiv3679/EES405

    Climate Data Analysis course at @IISERM, contains all the files and datasets

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1201
  • awesome-software/pygeohydro

    A part of HyRiver software stack for accessing hydrology data through web services

  • Mihir-DG/tropoProfs_tempWind

    Evaluates tropospheric temperature and zonal wind pressure profiles over a variety of projections, seasonal changes, altitudes, etc.

  • VACILT/reliability_LE

    On the reliability of large ensembles simulating stratospheric polar vortex

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • awesome-software/meteostat-python

    Access and analyze historical weather and climate data with Python.

  • awesome-software/SBTi-finance-tool

    This toolkit helps companies and financial institutions to assess the temperature alignment of current targets, commitments, and investment and lending portfolios, and to use this information to develop targets for official validation by the SBTi. See the wiki for a change log.

  • awesome-software/xcdat

    An extension of xarray for climate data analysis on structured grids.

  • pojoowu/Climate-Forecasting

    My solution to the challenge Regional Climate Forecasting which won the 1st place on the private ranking.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10