- 0
[DevOps]: Drop Python 3.9 support
#710 opened by tomvothecoder - 0
[Enhancement]: Xarray: `Deprecated since version 2025.01.1: Please pass a coders.CFDatetimeCoder instance initialized with use_cftime to the decode_times kwarg instead.`
#719 opened by tomvothecoder - 0
[Exploration]: Python-based solutions for unstructured to structured regridding
#656 opened by tomvothecoder - 4
[Bug]: regrid2 converts time coordinates to int instead of preserving original datetime objects after annual cycle climatology
#709 opened by lee1043 - 6
- 8
- 0
- 0
[Enhancement]: Refactor `custom_seasons` to use Xarray's `SeasonGrouper()` API [WIP]
#714 opened by tomvothecoder - 4
[Bug]: xESMF related issue "AttributeError: `np.NaN` was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release. Use `np.nan` instead."
#668 opened by tomvothecoder - 3
- 4
[Bug]: `xgcm` vertical regridder throws error `ValueError: dimension temp_unique on 0th function argument to apply_ufunc with dask='parallelized' consists of multiple chunks, but is also a core dimension.`
#670 opened by tomvothecoder - 0
[Bug]: `get_bounds()` can't get bounds for non-CF axes without `var_key` argument
#707 opened by tomvothecoder - 0
[Bug]: Fix `get_bounds()` error message
#706 opened by tomvothecoder - 1
[Enhancement]: Time to decimal time functionality
#701 opened by pochedls - 5
[Enhancement]: Consider how to test for correct weights generation in xCDAT
#699 opened by tomvothecoder - 2
[Doc]: Issue opening up ESGF datasets hosted on LLNL servers via OPeNDAP
#675 opened by tomvothecoder - 0
- 4
[Bug]: Potential bug in module
#695 opened by zhangshixuan1987 - 10
[Enhancement]: time subsetting/slicing on dataset with non-chronological time coordinate
#693 opened by bosup - 3
[Bug]: `VersionMismatch` exception with `esmf=8.4.2` and `esmpy=8.6.0` for an E3SM Unified 1.10.0 user
#654 opened by tomvothecoder - 7
[Bug]: xc.swap_lon_axis doesn't work properly for TRMM-3B43v-7_BE_gn precipitation data
#692 opened by bosup - 0
[Doc]: Update `` classifiers
#690 opened by tomvothecoder - 6
[Enhancement]: Temporal averaging performance
#688 opened by chengzhuzhang - 0
- 4
- 0
[Doc]: Add JOSS paper, EESM research highlight, and EESM PI Meeting presentation links
#681 opened by tomvothecoder - 4
[Enhancement]: Add X and Y bounds to 2d coordinates
#676 opened by acordonez - 0
- 19
[Bug]: Issue with decoding dataset datetime that include NaN values (`cftime` and linux bug)
#648 opened by ezekiel-lemur - 0
- 0
[Bug]: Improve error message when `temporal.departures()` `reference_period` arg is invalid
#665 opened by tomvothecoder - 0
[Doc]: Consider moving 2024 E3SM Tutorial Workshop notebooks to this repo
#664 opened by tomvothecoder - 4
- 0
[Bug]: Read The Docs build failing because of contributors graph not being rendered correctly with pdflatex
#662 opened by tomvothecoder - 0
[Doc]: xCDAT Practical Parallel Notebook
#663 opened by pochedls - 2
[Bug]: `open_dataset()` fails in "Gentle Introduction to xCDAT" notebook due to `add_bounds` incorrect arg (addressed by #650)
#661 opened by brian-rose - 0
[Doc]: Update README and other related documentation to clarify concisely what xCDAT is targeted at doing and provide example use cases
#651 opened by tomvothecoder - 8
[Bug]: Regrid2 breaks in `_preserve_bounds` because `_regrid` incorrectly transposes `output_data` shape, which doesn't align with original dim order used by bounds
#625 opened by tomvothecoder - 0
[Doc]: Add steps for setting up kernel and make conda env setup consistent across Jupyter Notebooks
#647 opened by tomvothecoder - 1
- 0
[Doc]: Add instructions for setting ESMF `ESMKFILE` env variable in Jupyter-based environments
#636 opened by tomvothecoder - 1
- 1
[Bug]: temporal.group_average with custom seasons produces wrong result when season cross year boundary for custom seasons.
#642 opened by oliviermarti - 1
[Enhancement]: Update `coords="minimal"` and `compat="minimal"` as defaults to improve performance of `xc.open_mfdataset()`?
#641 opened by tomvothecoder - 1
[Doc]: Updates to improve readability
#630 opened by tomvothecoder - 1
[Deprecation] A list of deprecations for v0.7.0
#626 opened by tomvothecoder - 0
- 3
BUG: Unable to reproduce the "Calculating Climatology and Departures from Time Series Data" Example
#620 opened by mgrover1 - 2
BUG: Incorrect DOI Reference in Paper Draft
#621 opened by mgrover1 - 5
Bug: Unable to create conda environment for development environment on M1 Mac
#619 opened by mgrover1