
There are 29 repositories under clinical-nlp topic.

  • medspacy/medspacy

    Library for clinical NLP with spaCy.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5241613288
  • abachaa/MedQuAD

    Medical Question Answering Dataset of 47,457 QA pairs created from 12 NIH websites

  • BIDS-Xu-Lab/Me-LLaMA

    A novel medical large language model family with 13/70B parameters, which have SOTA performances on various medical tasks

  • lindvalllab/clinicalXLNet

    Clinical XLNet: Modeling Sequential Clinical Notes and Predicting Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation

  • NLPatVCU/multitasking_transformers

    Multitask Learning with Pretrained Transformers

  • ritaranx/ClinGen

    [ACL 2024 Findings] This is the code for our paper "Knowledge-Infused Prompting: Assessing and Advancing Clinical Text Data Generation with Large Language Models".

  • AI-in-Health/Patient-Instructions

    Code for "Retrieve, Reason, and Refine: Generating Accurate and Faithful Discharge/Patient Instructions" (NeurIPS 2022)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook27316
  • kavgan/clinical-concepts

    Discovering Related Clinical Concepts using Large Amounts of Clinical Notes. An unsupervised graphical approach to mine related concepts by leveraging the volume within large amounts of clinical notes.

  • medspacy/sectionizer

    A rule-based Python module for spitting documents into sections.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12505
  • shaoxiongji/DCAN

    Dilated Convolutional Attention Network for Medical Code Assignment from Clinical Text, ClinicalNLP workshop at EMNLP 2020

  • asyml/ForteHealth

    The project is in the incubation stage and still under development. ForteHealth is a flexible and powerful ML workflow builder for biomedical and clinical scenarios. This is part of the CASL project:

  • umcu/dutch-medical-concepts

    Instructions and code to create for a table of UMLS, SNOMED or HPO concepts containing Dutch medical names, usable in named entity recognition and linking methods such MedCAT.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9562
  • cltl/a-proof-zonmw

    Detecting the functioning level of a patient from a free-text clinical note in Dutch.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook51004
  • ju-resplande/askD

    AskDocs: A medical QA dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5100
  • kharrigian/ehr-stigma

    Official repo for "Characterizing Stigmatizing Language in Medical Records" (ACL 2023)

  • medspacy/cycontext

    A Python implementation of the ConText algorithm for clinical text concept assertion using the spaCy framework

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5430
  • ck37/clinsent

    Estimate sentiment in clinical notes via keywords or deep learning models

  • avi-jit/RadiologyQA

    MSR Cambridge Internship Summer 2023

  • crherlihy/clinical_nli_artifacts

    MedNLI Is Not Immune: Natural Language Inference Artifacts in the Clinical Domain (ACL-IJCNLP '21)

  • JINHXu/Early-Sepsis-Prediction-using-TSF

    Early Prediction of Sepsis using Time Seiries Forecasting (Published at 2023 IEEE AI4Health)

  • lukasz-starosta/medical-text-platform

    Application to analyze clinical texts input by users to extract symptoms and treatments. Created with React, Java and Python.

  • medspacy/nlp_preprocessor

    SpaCy component for modifying the string of a doc before tokenizing.

  • xiaoyuxin1002/bias_in_deid

    In the Name of Fairness: Assessing the Bias in Clinical Record De-identification

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • medspacy/nlp_postprocessor

    A spaCy component for executing custom logic at the end of a pipeline.

  • MUSC-TBIC/ots-ensemble-systems

    Off-the-Shelf Ensemble Systems

  • maastroclinic/pyConTextNLP

    Extract context modifiers targeting clinical terms

  • monk1337/Clift

    CLIFT : Analysing Natural Distribution Shift on Question Answering Models in Clinical Domain

  • WojciechKusa/llm-disease-conversations

    [NLPMC 2023] "Dr LLM, what do I have?": The Impact of User Beliefs and Prompt Formulation on Health Diagnoses

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10