
Off-the-Shelf Ensemble Systems

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This repository contains Python and Java example implementations of a range of post-hoc ensemble generation algorithms. Algorithms for post-hoc ensemble generation embody different approaches for taking the output of disparate models and synthesizing (or fusing) their individual contributions into a single, better output.

The Python examples are built around medspaCy, itself an extension of the spaCy framework. Sample data is available from the n2c2 datasets website.

medspaCy Implementations

conda Set-Up

conda create -n ensemble-py3.8 python=3.8
conda activate ensemble-py3.8

pip install --upgrade pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

After installing all the required Python packages, basic unit testing can be run from the medspaCy folder. The following command will write the results and coverage of these tests to the folder medspaCy/cov_html3.8:

python -m pytest --cov-report html:cov_html3.8 --cov=./ tests

Data Set-Up

Three sample corpora are required to run the base Python demos. These corpora must be locally downloaded due to individual data use agreements (DUAs) required for each dataset. We have included a demo showing how to run the algorithms for ensembling: span-matching algorithms (e.g., for simple named entity recognition without subtypes), normalization algorithms (e.g., for named entity normalization), and contextual attribute algorithms (e.g., negation or subject).

Because the algorithms ensemble the output of multiple models into a single output, you will also need to download sample output from the top teams from the same sites listed above. Each corpus comes in its own particular format. Our code presupposes that the input corpus has been formatted according to the SHARP-n style annotation schema. (Any corpus that has been converted into this format should be compatible with the sample code.) To help with that conversion, we have included a series of shell scripts in the root directory of this repository named prep-X.sh.TEMPLATE. Copy these template files to the equivalent file ending in .sh. At the start of each .sh script file is a set of environment variables that need to localized to your machine's paths. For instance, in prep-spans.sh, ENSEMBLE_DIR should be pointed at the root of this repository and I2B2_2009_DIR should point your local copy of the 2009 i2b2 Medications Challenge dataset. The rough outline of expected folders and files is also provided in the shell script.

NB: We use the *.TEMPLATE suffix for the base scripts so that any changes we make to these scripts upstream in the repository won't automatically wipe out any local customizations you may have made. This does mean that you may need to manually update (or use a diff/merge tool) your scripts from time to time.

The prep-X.sh scripts convert a corpus to the SHARP-n schema (e.g., n2c2-2019-track3-converter.py). Then, the script creates a best-case scenario ensemble which looks at all the outputs provided by models and the reference (e.g., oracle-ensemble.py). If the right output was recommend by any of the models, it chooses that output. Otherwise, it chooses a known wrong answer. This oracle system helps determine a ceiling for the model outputs given the task at hand. Finally, for each of the supported ensemble methods (currently, voting and decision templates), the script runs the algorithm on each individual input model on its own. The performance from these runs determines the baseline performance when ensemble size = 1 using ETUDE, an evaluation tool for unstructured data and extractions.

Growing and/or Pruning Ensembles

The latter half of the prep-X.sh scripts provide a pattern for how to evaluate progressively larger and smaller ensembles of models. In former case, this process is sometimes called "growing ensembles" or "buidling ensembles". In the latter case, this process is usually called "pruning ensembles".

We have made this pattern framework explicit in the score-X-kernel.sh scripts that parallel the prep-X.sh scripts. Again, you will need to update the appropriate environment variables at the top of the files. Further, the score-X.sh scripts show how to progressively call the score-X-kernel.sh script for each epoch of ensemble size as you grow (or shrink) is. In other words, you may find it easier to run single instances of score-spans-kernel.sh or you may want to run large batches of score-spans-kernel.sh by adding multiple calls to score-spans.sh and running that script instead.

Finally, check the file pointed to by $RESULT_FILE for an accumulated record of performance results across your experiments.

SHARP-n Style Annotation Schema

In the long-term, you'll want to add your own models to the ensemble to improve performance. These models should fairly easily fit into the pipeline as long as they adhere to the SHARP-n schema.

(More details to come on how we mapped from the sample source corpora to the SHARP-n schema.)

Mapping concept normalizations (2019 n2c2/UMass Track 3) from the original reference to SHARPn type system.

Right LE pain

<!-- identified annotation -->
<textsem:IdentifiedAnnotation xmi:id="545" sofa="1" 
    begin="56" end="69" id="0" 
	discoveryTechnique="0" confidence="0.0" 
	polarity="0" uncertainty="0" 
    conditional="false" generic="false" historyOf="0"

<!-- ontologyConceptArr -->
<refsem:UmlsConcept xmi:id="587"

Mapping medication annotation spans from the original 2009 i2b2 reference to SHARPn type system.

"...previous allergic reaction to intravenous contrast dye that..."

<textsem:IdentifiedAnnotation xmi:id="23"
    begin="680" end="692" sofa="1"/>

<omop_cdm:Note_Nlp_TableProperties xmi:id="313"
          nlp_system="Majority Voting Ensemble System"
          begin="680" end="692" sofa="1"/>

Mapping context attributes for a concept from the original i2b2 2008 reference to SHARPn type system.

    begin="0" end="0" sofa="1"/>

    begin="0" end="0" sofa="1"/>

    begin="0" end="0" sofa="1"/>

Apache UIMA Implementations (Java)


Java Implementations

Voting-ensemble method framework

dependency: jsoup

how to run:

java -Xmx1g -cp target:<jsoup dir>/jsoup-1.6.2.jar \
  Voting \
  <threshold> \
  <source xml dir> \
  <output dir> \
  <system<sub>1</sub> dir> \
  <system<sub>2</sub> dir> ...

jsoup dir: the directory containing jsoup-1.6.2.jar threshold: voting threshold, e.g., 1, 2 source xml dir: the directory containing XML files with <TEXT> tags (i2b2 2014 deid corpus format) output dir: an output directory for voting ensemble system1 dir ~ systemn dir: the directories containing the predictions of individual deidenfication systems



voting pruned


to get a pruned set of deidentification models, run voteSearch.java
then run vote.java with the pruned set

decision template method

javac -cp /path/to/jsoup/jsoup-1.14.3.jar DTM.java

for weighted DTM, set the 'ifWeight' parameter to true

SVM based stack learning

To create feature vector file:

		$trTxtDir: directory containing text files
		$oTrFile: feature vector file
		$oTrLFile: label file containing concept span information
		$cFile: label index file for multi-class svm, use i2b2_2014_stack.txt 
		$catFile: mapping file for semantic type and sub-semantic type, use 'i2b2_2014_type.txt'
		$refTrDir: reference standard directory
		$trDir1 ~ $trDir4: input directories (system output directory for each corpus)
		$fvFile: feature set definition file, use stackF_deid.txt
		java -Xmx10g -cp jsoup-1.6.2.jar:./ StackDeidNE $trTxtDir $oTrFile $oTrLFile $cFile $catFile $refTrDir $trDir1 $trDir2 $trDir3 $trDir4			
		java -Xmx1g StackFeature $fvFile $oTrFile $oTrFile
To train a model:
		$model: model file

		$libHome/train -s 2 -c 0.1 -w25 0.8 $oTrFile $modelFile

To predict:

		$oTsFile: test feature vector file
		$modelFile: model file
		$oTsPrFile: system prediction file

		$libHome/predict -b 1 $oTsFile $modelFile $oTsPrFile

To output XML files to destination directory:

		java -Xmx1g StackPredProbDeidNE $oTsPrFile $oTsLFile $ansDir $refTsDir $year $cFile $catFile
		java -Xmx1g -cp jsoup-1.6.2.jar:./ RemOverlapDeid $ansDir $refTsDir $year

searn-based stack learning

To create feature vector file

	1. AddPredictionsVW.java
	2. CRFToVWstack.java

To train a model

	$trFile: training feature vector file
	$model: model file
		vw -k -c --passes 20 -b 32 --holdout_off -l 0.025 --noconstant --ngram 3 -d $trFile --search_task sequence --search 49 -f $model

To predict:

	$tsFile: test feature vector file
	$model: model file
	$prFile: system prediction file
	vw -t -d $tsFile -i $model -p $prFile --ring_size 100000

To output XML files to destination directory

	$prFile: prediction output file
	$ansDir: output directory
	$txtDir: reference standard directory
	$catFile: mapping file for semantic type and sub-semantic type, use 'i2b2_2014_type.txt'
	$year: if i2b2 2016, '2016'. Otherwise '2014'

	$LFile: mapping file between vw class labels and i2b2 tags, use 'bioDeid_i2b2_vw.txt'
	$oTsFile: file containing sentence and token information
	#to combine sentence and token information for each word and predicted tag 
	java -Xmx6g VWToPredProbNew $oTsFile $prFile $LFile
	#to output XML files to destination directory:
	java -Xmx1g PredictOutProbDeidNew 2 $prFile $ansDir f 0.0 $txtDir $catFile $year

Code for semantic type match

To create semantic mapping between two corpora: TypeMatch.java
To convert the source directory with target semantic types: Cnv.java