
There are 44 repositories under communication-networks topic.

  • coperception/coperception

    An SDK for multi-agent collaborative perception.

  • ai4ce/DiscoNet

    [NeurIPS2021] Learning Distilled Collaboration Graph for Multi-Agent Perception

  • BNN-UPC/GNNetworkingChallenge

    RouteNet baseline for the Graph Neural Networking Challenge (

  • ramonqu7/LI-FI-Arduino

    Personal project, Low-level Visible Light communication system.

  • yeliqseu/sparsenc

    A library for encoding and decoding sparse network codes

  • teknomo/IdealFlowNetwork

    Python package provides powerful tools for creating and managing Ideal Flow Networks (IFN). An Ideal Flow Network is a strongly connected network where the flows are balanced.

  • vrikodar/Terminal_chat

    Setup a AES Encrypted communication Between two machines Right from terminal

  • fedstellar


    Fedstellar: A Platform for Decentralized Federated Learning

  • enriquetomasmb/nebula

    NEBULA: A Platform for Decentralized Federated Learning

  • t4d-gmbh/EndemicPy

    Python package to simulate a vast range of transmission processes on various structures

  • kokifish/MOEA-Net-HL

    The relevant codes of our work "Enhancing Robustness and Transmission Performance of Heterogeneous Complex Networks via Multi-Objective Optimization".

  • 6g_security


    6G and Security repository for telecommunications and AI research. We will share our implementations and publications in 5G and beyond technology, 6G, Security, Machine learning on 6G, Massive MIMO, THz communication and communication networks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11327
  • RaiBP/vlc_thesis

    Source code for the Diploma Thesis "Evaluation of Extreme Learning Machine as Channel Equalizer for Color-Shift Keying-Based Visible Light Communication Systems Employed in Underground Mining Scenarios", for the fulfillment of the Electrical Engineer Professional Title at the Universidad de Chile.

  • RaffaeleGalliera/melissa

    A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Environment for Information Dissemination based on Graph Convolutional Reinforcement Learning

  • vamsi3/IITB-Computer-Networks

    [CS224 / CS252 - IIT Bombay] All my submissions in the coursework (★)

  • vidhi09-tech/amplitude_modulation

    Amplitude modulation (AM) is a modulation technique used in electronic communication, most commonly for transmitting messages with a radio carrier wave. In amplitude modulation, the amplitude (signal strength) of the carrier wave is varied in proportion to that of the message signal, such as an audio signal.

  • VincentGsell/GMS

    GRID Messaging System

  • aljanabim/nats-ros-connector

    Enables pub/sub messaging between two ROS robots in different networks over NATS.

  • bornac1/NoIPChat

    Not only IP Chat

  • davekinkead/big-data-and-democracy

    Forthcoming in chapter in Big Data and Epistemic Justifications of Democracy, Edinburgh University Press.

  • fuchstim/subframe

    SuBFraMe (Securely Broadcasted Fragmented Messaging) is an entirely decentralized, general purpose communications network

  • haoyueb2/computer-networks-simulation

    Mps of UIUC CS 438 communication networks, simulating each layer of 5-layer network model

  • SaguruHakuba/Communication-Networks

    Several C programs for ECE312 Communication Networks, including socket chat and packet encapsulation.

  • AshivDhondea/InstantNS3.30.1

    Bash script to install ns3 version 3.30.1

  • jenn2318/Thoughts42DayP2

    In this project Materialize, Node.js, Express.js and Docker were used to create an interactive thought tank that will gather user comments. As well as show the user their dashboard after their login credentials are verified.

  • lukablagoje/temporal-patterns-of-reciprocity-in-communication-networks

    The study delves into the dynamics of human communication within various social settings, from intimate groups to global online platforms, focusing on the reciprocal exchange of information as a cornerstone for social stability, cohesion, and cooperation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Matovic/communication-using-UDP-protocol

    School assignment n. 2 from course Computer and Communication Networks at Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak university of technology in Bratislava

  • EleniKechrioti/aueb-projects

    projects i did during my university years at AUEB

  • IChowdhury01/Custom-Communication-Link

    Implementation of a communication link for optimizing data transfer through a channel.

  • syed-azim-git/Flow_control_ARQ_protocols

    Simulations of three important flow control ARQ protocols used in Data Link Layer and Transport Layer of Communication network layers.

  • alksarioglou/mini_internet

    Building and operating a fully-functional mini-Internet including dealing with intra-domain routing, inter-domain routing and policy routing by using Docker containers, using Open vSwitch for configuring the L2 switches and using the FRRouting software routing suite for configuring the L3 routers

  • EunBinChoi/network-programming-master

    Network Programming Lecture Notes & Assignment

  • Hridxyz/Communication-Networks

    This repository contains a collection of programs designed to illustrate various algorithms and methods used in the field of communication networks. The implementations are primarily focused on data communication and network protocols, providing practical examples of how these concepts are applied in real-world scenarios.

  • JAckZ97/UDP_Project

    COEN445 Course Project (Communication Networks and Protocols)

  • PersistentStudio/StableChaos

    The Stable Chaos and Tranception Models are designed to express the dipole nature at the core of quantum mechanics, defining the nature of the quantum field and slope.
