
The Stable Chaos and Tranception Models are designed to express the dipole nature at the core of quantum mechanics, defining the nature of the quantum field and slope.

Primary LanguagePython

The Stable Chaos Model

This project has grown exponentially more ambitious than ever before.

All of my ideas, converging into one.

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the Stable Chaos model outlines the relationship between a dipole tranception or connection, and the Tranception() framework outlines the datatype that could be used to build out our framework.


  • Build the 3d renderer for the model e.g. plug in Nova and define a renderer

    • Extern: Build Novas Python bindings
  • Rebuild this to be as simple as possible, including the stable chaos model

    • We need to be able to navigate a 3d grid or image
    • We need to be able to save to a wav but process as a workgroup
  • Run a simple +/-t where t = 0.1 - 0.001

  • Make configurations configurable i.e.

    • maybe I want to lock max_depth, or max_width for number of forks per branch
    • definitely want to be able to determine if a flower is the end of a branch, or if flowers can happen in the middle

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