There are 783 repositories under confusion-matrix topic.
Multi-class confusion matrix library in Python
Confusion Matrix in Python: plot a pretty confusion matrix (like Matlab) in python using seaborn and matplotlib
Neo: Hierarchical Confusion Matrix Visualization (CHI 2022)
[Not Actively Maintained] Whitebox is an open source E2E ML monitoring platform with edge capabilities that plays nicely with kubernetes
Seamlessly integrate matplotlib figures as tensorflow summaries.
BEST SCORE ON KAGGLE SO FAR , EVEN BETTER THAN THE KAGGLE TEAM MEMBER WHO DID BEST SO FAR. The project is about diagnosing pneumonia from XRay images of lungs of a person using self laid convolutional neural network and tranfer learning via inceptionV3. The images were of size greater than 1000 pixels per dimension and the total dataset was tagged large and had a space of 1GB+ . My work includes self laid neural network which was repeatedly tuned for one of the best hyperparameters and used variety of utility function of keras like callbacks for learning rate and checkpointing. Could have augmented the image data for even better modelling but was short of RAM on kaggle kernel. Other metrics like precision , recall and f1 score using confusion matrix were taken off special care. The other part included a brief introduction of transfer learning via InceptionV3 and was tuned entirely rather than partially after loading the inceptionv3 weights for the maximum achieved accuracy on kaggle till date. This achieved even a higher precision than before.
Measure and visualize machine learning model performance without the usual boilerplate.
Python class for calculating confusion matrix for object detection task
Detecting Frauds in Online Transactions using Anamoly Detection Techniques Such as Over Sampling and Under-Sampling as the ratio of Frauds is less than 0.00005 thus, simply applying Classification Algorithm may result in Overfitting
✋🏼🛑 This one stop project is a complete COVID-19 detection package comprising of 3 tasks: • Task 1 --> COVID-19 Classification • Task 2 --> COVID-19 Infection Segmentation • Task 3 --> Lung Segmentation
Google Street View House Number(SVHN) Dataset, and classifying them through CNN
Using Tensorflow and a Support Vector Machine to Create an Image Classifications Engine
Solutions to kdd99 dataset with Decision tree and Neural network by scikit-learn
Predicting air pollution level in a specific city
Confusion matrix metrics directly from your pandas DataFrame
Reinforcement Learning with Perturbed Reward, AAAI 2020
Karma of Humans is AI
Deep learning for freehand sketch object recognition
Confusion matrix for Mask R-CNN (Matterport implementation)
This toolbox offers 8 machine learning methods including KNN, SVM, DA, DT, and etc., which are simpler and easy to implement.
Pairwise association measures of statistical variable types
This contains the Jupyter Notebook and the Dataset for the mentioned Classification Predictive Modeling Project
Landscape of ML/DL performance evaluation metrics
Online meter ploter for pytorch. Real time ploting Accuracy, Loss, mAP, AUC, Confusion Matrix
Sentiment Analysis of movie reviews by sklearn's naive bayes and TfIdf word vectorizer.
Used the Dataset "MNIST Digit Recognizer" on Kaggle. Trained Convolutional Neural Networks on 42000 Training Images and predicted labels on 28000 Test Images with an Validation Accuracy of 99.52% and 99.66% on Kaggle Leaderboard.
Keras VGG implementation for CIFAR-10 classification Tutorial
Perform three types of feature extraction: STFT, MFCC and MelSpectrogram. Apply CNN/VGG with or without RNN architecture. Able to achieve 95% accuracy.
Autoencoders - a deep neural network was used for feature extraction followed by clustering of the "Cancer" dataset using k-means technique
A very basic implementation of Logistic Regression classifier in python.
Machine learning utility functions and classes.
Confusion Matrix in Python: Plot a pretty confusion matrix (like Matlab) in python using seaborn and matplotlib
Machine-Learning project that uses a variety of credit-related risk factors to predict a potential client's credit risk. Machine Learning models include Logistic Regression, Balanced Random Forest and EasyEnsemble, and a variety of re-sampling techniques are used (Oversampling/SMOTE, Undersampling/Cluster Centroids, and SMOTEENN) to re-sample the data. Evaluation metrics like the accuracy score, classification report and confusion matrix are generated to compare models and determine which suits this particular set of data best.
Image classification on lung and colon cancer histopathological images through Capsule Networks or CapsNets.
Report various statistics stemming from a confusion matrix in a tidy fashion. 🎯
The given information of network connection, model predicts if connection has some intrusion or not. Binary classification for good and bad type of the connection further converting to multi-class classification and most prominent is feature importance analysis.