
There are 17 repositories under corba-client topic.

  • eclipse-ee4j/orb

    Eclipse ORB is a CORBA orb for use in Jakarta EE and GlassFish and other projects that still need an ORB.

  • FredPraca/distributed_cbsg

    Code for FOSDEM'19 presentation about distributed computing in Ada

  • prince-chrismc/Distributed-Systems

    This is a Java repository to contain my work for Distributed Systems (SOEN423) from Concordia Universirty during Fall 2018.

  • khaouitiabdelhakim/Corba-In-Java-Tutorial-01

    The goal is to design, develop, and test the "hello" application (a program that displays "hello" on the server).

  • khaouitiabdelhakim/Corba-In-Java-Tutorial-02

    The goal of this lab is to design, develop, and test a banking application that manages an account, specifically allowing the following operations: Reading the account balance Crediting the account Debiting the account The client will interact with the application via the menu below, which will enable them to execute these various operations. CORB

  • khaouitiabdelhakim/Corba-In-Java-Tutorial-03-Part-01

    This repository contains the third practical assignment (TP3) for the course "Intégration des Objets et des Services," focusing on the implementation of CORBA services.

  • lpsandaruwan/smts_jcorba

    Simple Money Transaction System using CORBA - JAVA

  • maurigre/corba-java

    O projeto CORBA e destinado a troca de dados entre sistemas distribuidos heterogêneos

  • orlandoamorim/Corba

    Simple CORBA Example for Distributed Systems course

  • Virksaabnavjot/Distributed-Server-Client-Using-RMI-and-CORBA

    This is a Java/CORBA server that illustrates the use of stringified object references stored in a file on a server that is different from the machine on which either the CORBA server or the CORBA client are located. This server provides a servant object that returns the date and time as a string.

  • dawnstrider/ods5-connector

    Command line utility to connect to ODS Servers using CORBA

  • erz/charcorba

    Automatically exported from

  • juicymloz/CORBA-Programs

    This is a compilation of 4 common exercises of distributed programming (ring, bully, readers - writers problem and a simple p2p program) developed in CORBA Java using NetBeans IDE by Juan Carlos Maldonado Lozano and Javier Bernabé García.

  • OnsAffes/Middelware_RPC_Corba

    A program that calculates a total amount including taxes (T.T.C) based on a net amount (H.T) and a VAT rate using CORBA. A client-server application based on the RPC protocol

  • Ludige/TSI-6P-Sistemas-Distribuidos

    Repositório referente a matéria de Sistemas Destribuidos, de Luiggi Moreira Silva, ministrada por Alexandre Carvalho, em IF Goiano Campus Morrinhos (2022)

  • tricktux/corba

    For learning purposes
