
This repository contains the third practical assignment (TP3) for the course "Intégration des Objets et des Services," focusing on the implementation of CORBA services.

Primary LanguageJava

Intégration des Objets et des Services


This repository contains the third practical assignment (TP3) for the course "Intégration des Objets et des Services," focusing on the implementation of CORBA services.


Before working on this assignment, it is recommended to review the following tutorials to understand the basics of CORBA in Java:

Exercice 1:

Extend the banking application to manage a bank account, allowing operations such as reading the account balance, crediting, and debiting the account. The task is to distinguish between two types of bank accounts:

  1. Current Account: Characterized by an authorized overdraft.
  2. Savings Account: Characterized by an interest rate.

Additionally, introduce a new type of account called Remunerated Current Account, which combines features from both the Current and Savings accounts.

The client will interact with the application through a menu that allows them to perform the following operations on the Remunerated Current Account:

  • Read the account balance
  • Credit the account
  • Debit the account
  • Read the interest rate
  • Update the interest rate
  • Read the overdraft authorization
  • Update the overdraft authorization

IDL File: banque.idl

// Description: Interfaces de l'application Banque
// TP3: mode d'implantation par heritage d'interface
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
interface Compte {
  float lire_montant();
  void crediter(in float somme_credit);
  void debiter(in float somme_debit);

interface CompteCourant : Compte {
  attribute boolean DecouvertAutorise;

interface CompteEpargne : Compte {
  attribute long taux;

interface CompteCourantRemunere : CompteCourant, CompteEpargne {};