
There are 9 repositories under covid-19-france topic.

  • vpicavet/corogov

    Informations from French Government on COVID-19. Diffable.

  • Alex-bzh/vaxidep

    Situation update of vaccination against covid-19 in France, by departments

  • jonathanmckinnell/COVID-19-forecasting-dashboard

    COVID-19 forecasting dashboard using data from John Hopkins University, PHE and An NHS Bed forecasting model for England is also added to the UK table and plotted. There is also a notebook for forecasting the Italy COVID-19 cases which implements a logistic model, and exponential model, and tries the fb prophet model. Important note: Please note that the case forecasting and bed forecasting model is experimental and not yet validated (as cases have not yet arrived since the model is being developed as the pandemic unfolds). The model is only as good as its assumptions and starting data both of which are likely to have limitations, especially this early in the pandemic and therefore it should not be used for clinical decision making.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • nCov19-DataPoints/

    Corona Virus Data Points - gather data and facts and make them visible.

  • clement-pannetier/suivi-coronavirus

    A simple webpage showing key figures in real time relating to the coronavirus / Covid-19 epidemic on French soil.

  • Covid19DataBretagne


    Evolution du nombre de cas Covid-19 déclarés par l'ARS en région Bretagne, par département et cumulés sur la région

  • masterchef8/Covid-19-QRCode

    iOS App to create compatible QRCode for the French gov "Derogating movement certificate"

  • mgcarre/FR-covid19-walkingarea

    Permet de repérer son domicile sur une carte et obtenir la zone de tolérance de 1000m pour les activités sportives

  • yoch/covid19-fr

    public data from