There are 31 repositories under credit-risk-analysis topic.
Credit risk analysis for credit card applicants
The aim is to understand which are the key factors for a certain level of credit risk to occur. In addition, some ML models capable to predict the credit risk level for a company in an year - given past years data - have been built and compared.
Application to finance
Predicting how much loan will be approved
Reverse engineering of the FICO algorithm
Predicting the ability of a borrower to pay back the loan through Traditional Machine Learning Models and comparing to Ensembling Methods
The project involved developing a credit risk default model on Indian companies using the performance data of several companies to predict whether a company is going to default on upcoming loan payments.
Credit risk poses a classification problem that’s inherently imbalanced. Using a dataset of historical lending activity from a peer-to-peer lending services company, build a model that can identify the creditworthiness of borrowers.
In 2019, more than 19 million Americans had at least one unsecured personal loan. Personal lending is growing at an extremely fast rate, and FinTech firms need to go through an organize large amounts of data in order to optimize lending. Python will be used to evaluate several machine learning models to predict credit risk. Algorithms such as RandomOverSampler, SMOTE, and RandomForest will be used to analyze credit card datasets from a company (LendingClub) and use linear regression to both sample and predict data. This data can be used to determine the number of people who are predicted to be at high/low risk for credit risk.
This repository contains projects related to data mining. Data mining finds valuable information hidden in large volumes of data and it is the analysis of data and the use of software techniques for finding patterns and regularities in sets of data.
Credit risk analysis using scikit-learn and imbalanced-learn.
All Main Projects
Our group chose this question to bring attention to the little knowledge that young loan applicants have. Based on our findings in our models we explore: Which age group is the least likely to apply for loans? Which group is most likely to default on loans?
This repository contains python code from scratch to develop the credit risk model for loan portfolio
A data analysis project to classify whether an applicant is capable of paying a home loan by using 4 machine learning models (Logistic Regression, SVM, Random Forest and LGBM) and 1 deep learning model (DeepFM). We also drew some insights from the best model that can be useful for analysts in bank.
Credit Risk Analysis - PD Modelling
Portfolio of projects
Module 20 Challenge
Machine Learning pipelines are deployed to accomplish the objective of credit risk analysis.
CSCI316 Group assignment 1
Credit Risk Analysis using Python
Classification and regression models for predicting the level of risk associated with extending credit to a borrower and the basic EPS amount respectively.
Credit risk analysis determines a borrower's ability to meet debt obligations and the lender's aim when advancing credit. The goal is to identify patterns that indicate if a person is unlikely to repay the loan or labeled as a bad risk through automated machine learning algorithms.
Machine Learning Model for Credit Risk Classification using Scikit Learn Logistic Regression
I'll use various techniques to train and evaluate a model based on loan risk. I will use a dataset of historical lending activity from a peer-to-peer lending services company to build a model that can identify the creditworthiness of borrowers.
This work is about "Loan Default Prediction" which is one of the most important and critical problems faced by banks and other financial institutions as it has a huge effect on profit
Statistical model that can predict the Loss Given Default(LGD) for borrowers
The growth of BNPL services and assess their impact on consumer spending habits and credit risk in the fintech sector
Credit Risk Analysis