
There are 193 repositories under curd-operation topic.

  • finnozo/online-shopping

    This is an online shopping project using Spring Boot,Spring web-flow, Spring Rest Services and Hibernate. In this project we also used Spring Security with java and annotation configuration

  • shankarmadeshvaran/SwiftUI_Tasks

    A Simple ToDo app developed using SwiftUI, Combine and Coredata

  • ajayrandhawa/PyQt-Sqlite-Project-CURD

    Pyqt SQLite Project Have Features like Login, Add, Delete, Search, Update, Show the Students. In this, I show all the CURD operations of the Program. All Project is well represented and with interactive Toolbar & Menu bar. The database is included in the repository.

  • scanurag/FoodFrenzy

    Designed and developed a E Commerce FoodFrenzy using Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Thymeleaf

  • prabhakar267/MySQL-admin-panel

    MySQL Admin Panel is a simple platform built for performing basic operations (insert, update and delete) on a single table maintained in MySQL. The operations performed are done in PHP.

  • abhay1205/receipt

    Receipt Manager built with Flutter and Firestore

  • mohamedtorkey20/laravel-blog

    The "laravel-blog" repository is a Laravel-based project featuring user authentication and CRUD operations specifically designed for managing posts

  • HutahCode/Angular5PrimeNG

  • munsif12/1_MERN_FullStack

    This project includes complete user authentication(jwt), user login/registration, and when the user is logged in he can see all the users registered with us previously via List all this data is stored into MongoDB atlas

  • ajayrandhawa/Telephone-Billing-System-C-Plus-Plus-QT

    Telephone Billing System is developed In C++ QT. It has Little Functionality Which shows Complete CURD Operation. SQLite Database Integration is Included in this project. It Has functionality like Login, Add Customer, delete a customer, Update customer, Generate bill With the help of Graphical user interface.

  • Shakib448/volunteer-network-frontend

    Volunteer Network

  • soumyadip007/Angular-Curd-Operation-with-Spring-Boot-Microservices

    Ceate, read, update, and delete are the four basic functions of persistent storage. Alternate words are sometimes used when defining the four basic functions of CRUD, such as retrieve instead of read, modify instead of update, or destroy instead of delete.

  • subash9860/newsApp

    simple news like app , data has been fetch form json api

  • Zainab-Alzubair/to-do-list

    "To Do List" is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete. || Technologies: used CURD operation, JavaScript, jest testing , webpack , ES6 modules

  • DSDmark/SimpleCURD

    The MERN app serves as an example of how to utilise Build React App with Includes @mui/Material and its peer dependencies, which include emotion, the built-in style engine in MUI v5. Moreover, it employed Node.js for its RESTful APIs, and MongoDB was used to store data. It works with the Docker platform.

  • ometman/awesome-books

    This is a book project that allows a user to add books by title and author, view and delete a book. It implements the CURD functionality for a books read tracking.

  • theinvincibleknight/AdvanceJavaSamplePrograms

    This repository contains number of Advance Java programs from basic to intermediate level.

  • Zainab-Alzubair/leaderboard

    The leaderboard website displays scores submitted by different players. It also allows you to submit your score. All data is preserved thanks to the external Leaderboard API service. || Technologies : JavaScript , API , Webpack , ES6 Modules

  • ahmedalaahagag/authors-microserivces

    PHP microservices based on lumen framework (Restful API CRUD operations for user AKA authors management) which is a part of the 3 microservices project can be used as a stand alone or part of the microservices

  • Ganeshshinde-2003/React-Curd-Operations

    React-based web application that enables users to interaction with user data through comprehensive CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. It provides users with the ability to view, edit, add, and delete user records, facilitating seamless administration of user information.

  • janithperera/ElasticSearch-RESTful-Java-API

    A RESTful java API with ElasticSearch as Database and AngularJS as Frontend

  • jaylogin9/Softnerve_project

    Performing patient appointment booking using CRUD operations.

  • MuhammadAliashraf/Node-Express-Starter-Templet-With-JWT-MVC-Architecture

    This is a starter template for building Node.js applications using Express.js with JWT authentication and following the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.

  • nurahmed123/privatenotes

    This is a kind of curd app. here i use mongodb as a database and reactjs to make this entire app. here you a user can create a own account and add noted on his account privately

  • piyush335/CRUD-Flask-App

    In this project, we'll build a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Articles web app using Flask, a micro-framework for Python.

  • Ranjith54321/BikeServiceApplication

    Online BikeServiceApplication

  • rayhanalshorif133/CURD-Using-Firebase

    CURD opration 👍 Using React js, Node js, Firebase, Ejs

  • Santhoshlm10/SQLink

    SQLink is a Node.js library that turns MySQL tables into RESTful APIs with procedure execution and full CRUD support.

  • sarunav/angular5-mean-todo-app

    Angular 5 Todo App with Node Express Mongo


    Basic Library Management System using SAP ABAP with Create-Update-Read-Delete operation

  • SombitPramanik/NSS

    NSS Website for College

  • The-Parth-Choudhary/Keeper-App-JS

    Build a Note keeping app using html, css, javascript to keep notes and used local storage to store data.

  • ankit3354/Histagram

    Histagram" is an Instagram clone built using modern web technologies including React JS, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, React Query, Appwrite as a backend service, and React Hook Form. Inspired by the tutorial series on YouTube by JavaScript Mastery,

  • Dushyantsisodia2k22/CURD_using_NodeJS

    A backend project created with Express.js, a powerful framework for Node.js, and MongoDB as the database, which performs all CRUD operations.

  • SanjayKhatiChhetri/TodoReactApp

    Full-stack Todo application developed as part of a thesis on frontend frameworks. Built with React, Node.js, and PostgreSQL, it features user authentication, CRUD operations, and a responsive UI. Demonstrates modern web development practices, API integration, and serves as a practical case study for comparing frontend technologies.
