
Online BikeServiceApplication

Primary LanguageJava


 -> This application is for owners of Bike service station. 
 -> It helps he owners to list the service they offer. 
 -> Customers can choose one or more services to book.
 -> Customer can register and login using E-mail

Application Specifications :

Bike Station Owner :

    - Can able to create / edit / delete all his service and their details
    - Can View a list of all bookings (pending, ready for delivery and completed)
    - Can View details of each booking
    - Mark a booking as ready for delivery
    - Mark a booking as completed
    - Receive an email whenever a booking is made

Customers :

      - Can able to register for an account with his email address and mobile number
      - Can Book a service at a particular date
      - Can see the status of his/her booking
      - Can see all his/her previous bookings
      - Receive an email as soon as booking is ready for devlivery

Technology Stack Used :

      FrameWork ->  Spring MVC 
      Front-End -> JSP,JSTL,HTML,CSS,JavaScript(JQuery,AJAX).
      Back-End  -> Java (Programming Language)
      DataBase  -> MySql
      Project-Management-Tool -> Maven

DataBase Schema :

            mysql> use workshop;
            mysql> show tables;
            | Tables_in_workshop |
            | booking            |
            | service            |
            | user               |
            This application has Three tables 
                1.) Booking - to handle all booking Details and history
                2.) service - to handle service data
                3.) user - to handle user data
         In order to handle owner data I make property file it is much convenient than table data

To make Database-Tables DataBase Comments :

        1.) create Database :
            create database workshop;
        2.) create Tables :
            2.1 ) create service table :
                create table service(id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,general_check varchar(5),oil_change varchar(5),water_wash varchar(5),total varchar(10),user_count int(5),visibility varchar(5),availability varchar(5),PRIMARY KEY (id));
            2.2 ) create booking table :
                create table booking(email varchar(30),vehicle_no varchar(15),service_id int,booking_date varchar(30),delivery_date varchar(30),state varchar(15));
            2.3) create user table : 
                create table user(email varchar(30),mobile varchar(15),pass varchar(15));
    Then make changes in peroperites file in the project.       

Mail Functionality :

Turn Less secure app access in Gmail owner gmail : by click this