
There are 84 repositories under data-handling topic.

  • JISA


    Standardised instrument control, data handling and simple GUI creation library for making experiment control programs.

  • upfrontjs/framework

    Data handling framework complementary to backend active record systems.

  • TaufiqHassan/cmpdata

    CMIP6 data pre-processing and handling tool

  • Iqbolshoh/php-database-manager

    The Database class is a versatile PHP tool using mysqli for database management. It handles essential CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) and includes methods for user authentication and password hashing, making database interactions and user management simple and secure.

  • Shegszz/Splendor-Hotel-Groups-Data-Analysis

    This repository showcases advanced data analysis techniques applied to SHG's booking data, including SQL queries, Power BI visualizations, and comprehensive documentation. Dive into the analytical insights to witness how data-driven strategies can revolutionize the hospitality industry.

  • carpentries-incubator/data-harvesting-for-agriculture

    Data Harvesting for Agriculture

  • dsp-book


    Data Science Project: An Inductive Learning Approach

  • ELIXIR-Norway-Training/DMP-writing-workshop

    Teaching material for DMP writing course

  • forever2077/php-helper

    A feature-rich PHP helper library designed to offer helpful utilities across various domains like data processing, network communication, and identity authentication. Fully compatible with PHP 8.1 and available under the MIT license.

  • jolie/tquery

    A data-query framework based on a sound variant of the MongoDB aggregation framework

  • AnuragMishraa/RailArrear

    RailArrear is a python based desktop software.

  • dohlee/protstruc

    Protein structure handling in Python made easy.

  • dxns-hub/EthicalAI

    An Ethical AI framework, laying the foundation for success in AI development

  • im-ratna/Financial-Sales-Model-Analysis

    Utilized sales analytics to evaluate financial performance, aid decision-making, and communicate with stakeholders. Analyzed finance data for benchmarking and budgeting, while reports aligned financial planning with strategic goals, boosting confidence in the organization's outlook.

  • nmichlo/doorway

    🚪 Essential utilities for working with files. Including easy downloading, fast hashing, stale file detection, dataset sharding, proxy downloading, file renaming

  • ademchaoua/JSONManager

    PHP class for managing JSON files with CRUD operations, sorting, pagination, merging, backup, and restore.

  • arbaazkhaan/Developer-Insights-Project

    This project delves into comprehensive insights extracted from the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022. The dataset provides a rich source of information about developers' demographics, coding experience, compensation, and various aspects of their professional lives.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • basimsahaf-zz/Blocky

    A Python program that blocks desired websites.

  • bee2805/TheWiccaHouse

    The Wicca House is the place to go to fulfill all your wicca needs! This MEAN stack application allowa users to track an inventory full of different ingredients and use their inventory to craft magical potions! All data is stored on MongoDB and dynamically displayed using angular components.

  • cr-mao/machine-learning


    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • dmvieira/dataset-manager

    Manage dataset for data science projects

  • IMS-Bio2Core-Facility/GTExQuery

    Multithreading, data handling, and file manipulation for the GTExSnake pipeline

  • itsmesikandar/Android-Paging-3

    Explore the Android Paging 3 Demo, where we tame large data sets for a smoother app experience. Learn how Paging 3's magic streamlines loading, Hilt simplifies dependency injection, Coroutines handle delays, and Retrofit connects with servers. Boost your app's speed and usability today!

  • Jorgen98/LineShaper

    Interactive tool for generating geographically accurate definitions of public transport routes.

  • jsonverse


    jsonVerse is a lightweight JSON-based database package for Node.js. It provides a simple interface to store, retrieve, and manage data using JSON files.

  • Mrugank97/SuperRes-RFF

    Advanced Image Enhancement and Data Recovery: Superresolution Techniques and Missing Data Handling

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • nehakalbande/Decision-Tree

    A data-set classification system providing most probable classification of a data-set member based on its properties made by implementing decision tree.Decision Tree constructed using pandas and numpy

    Language:Jupyter Notebook120
  • NikosBakalis/Music_Recomendator

    This is a music recomendator of your music preferences.

  • qheuristics/aomie

    OMIE electricity market data handling tool

  • qtle3/simple-linear-regression

    A Python script that implements a simple linear regression model to predict employee salaries based on years of experience, with predictions for mid-level and senior-level roles.

  • shadabsheikh51024225/RetrofitApiWithRest

    Operations for getting requests, post requests, URL manipulation. Also for put, patch, and delete.Httplogin interceptor also defined and few operations on the header .kindly read comments for better understanding

  • Shegszz/Spotify-Playlist-Generator

    This project demonstrates API integration and data handling using Python to create a personalized Spotify playlist based on song popularity. The script fetches top songs from the Spotify API, sorts them by popularity, and adds the top 100 songs to a new playlist.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • vedanshipathak/Weather-Data-Analysis

    Weather Data Analysis Project using Python

  • vikramkumar402/Task-3-Speech-Intent-Classification

    Integrated Speech Recognition and Intent Classification for Robot Control

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Tinribs507/Find-a-Book

    This Android application demonstrates my ability to integrate apps with external APIs and follow best practice. Find a Book (FAB) leverages Google Books API to allow users to search for books based on key words, titles, subjects, publishers and dates published.
