
There are 14 repositories under deap-library topic.

  • ammackenzie/Webots-Universal-Controller-and-Evolutionary-Robotics-Suite

    A universal supervisor controller and ER suite for Webots that can be adapted to any wheeled robot morphology with ease. The project is also setup to allow for easy Reinforcement Learning experimentation with some select algorithms (CMA-ES, Novlty Search, MAP-Elites) and neural networks (fixed and recurrent).

  • Kelvin229/preditor-prey-pursuit

    Using Genetic programming, to evolve stategies that preditors and preys will use in a simulated environment, such that Preditors get better at catching preys over time (generations).

  • nehciyy/OptiRouteX

    OptiRouteX is a program designed to optimize and calculate the shortest possible route between specified locations using genetic algorithms.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • terman37/Metaheuristics_Optimizations

    Optimizations using Metaheuristics (GA, PSO, ABC...) for solving Travelling salesman Problem (38 / 194 cities) and CEC2008 benchmark functions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2102
  • Kelvin229/deap_genetic_programming

    Using Genetic programming, an Evolutionary Algorithm, to solve and research the problem of Symbolic regression analysis and Rice Classification.

  • RexValkering/esme

    Evolutionary Scheduling Made Easy: an attempt to solve a common combined clustering and rostering problem with evolutionary algorithms.

  • ThePension/GenAlgo_MazeSolving

    Maze solving using genetic algorithms

    Language:Jupyter Notebook125
  • BharadwajMahanthi/Quantbiologicalwithml

    This project was developed as a personal research project after my Master's degree. It aims to explore the intersection of quantum biology and the effects of radiation on fungal species, leveraging advanced data analysis and simulation techniques.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • InnerShadow/Genetic-Algorithms

    This repository used to learn how genetic algorithms works.

  • KyleNThao/DEAP_N_Queens_Problem

    Using DEAP, an evolutionary algorithm, and genetic programming to solve the n-queens problem.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • MkHunter/AI-Project-Notes

    Resumen de la parte práctica que abordamos en el curso de IA. Scripts correspondientes a algoritmos de búsqueda, redes neuronales artificiales y algoritmos genéticos.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0300
  • The-GTN/Agent-Based-System-Covid19

    A research work done during my last bachelor year about optimize system to simulate epidemic propagation with Agent-Based Systems

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • valeriooconte/orienteering_problem_ga

    Repository per il progetto d'esame di AOCR (UNINA).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • kamilbakierzynski/genetic-nonogram

    Genetic programming project for Artificial intelligence class

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10