
There are 83 repositories under dgl topic.

  • graphdeeplearning/benchmarking-gnns

    Repository for benchmarking graph neural networks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2.5k6069453
  • awslabs/dgl-ke

    High performance, easy-to-use, and scalable package for learning large-scale knowledge graph embeddings.

  • graphein


    Protein Graph Library

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1.1k18156132

    This is an open-source toolkit for Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network(OpenHGNN) based on DGL.

  • awslabs/dgl-lifesci

    Python package for graph neural networks in chemistry and biology

  • DRKG


    A knowledge graph and a set of tools for drug repurposing

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5972624155
  • EdisonLeeeee/GraphGallery

    GraphGallery is a gallery for benchmarking Graph Neural Networks, From InplusLab.

  • lukecavabarrett/pna

    Implementation of Principal Neighbourhood Aggregation for Graph Neural Networks in PyTorch, DGL and PyTorch Geometric

  • sangyx/gtrick

    Bag of Tricks for Graph Neural Networks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2885819
  • dmlc/GNNLens2

    Visualization tool for Graph Neural Networks

  • awslabs/realtime-fraud-detection-with-gnn-on-dgl

    An end-to-end blueprint architecture for real-time fraud detection(leveraging graph database Amazon Neptune) using Amazon SageMaker and Deep Graph Library (DGL) to construct a heterogeneous graph from tabular data and train a Graph Neural Network(GNN) model to detect fraudulent transactions in the IEEE-CIS dataset.

  • IntelLabs/matsciml

    Open MatSci ML Toolkit is a framework for prototyping and scaling out deep learning models for materials discovery supporting widely used materials science datasets, and built on top of PyTorch Lightning, the Deep Graph Library, and PyTorch Geometric.

  • DreamInvoker/GAIN

    Source code for EMNLP 2020 paper: Double Graph Based Reasoning for Document-level Relation Extraction

  • Saro00/DGN

    Implementation of Directional Graph Networks in PyTorch and DGL

  • taishan1994/DGL_Chinese_Manual

    DGL中文文档。This is the Chinese manual of the graph neural network library DGL, currently contains the User Guide.

  • acbull/HGT-DGL

    Code for "Heterogeneous Graph Transformer" (WWW'20), which is based on Deep Graph Library (DGL)

  • shionhonda/gae-dgl

    Reimplementation of Graph Autoencoder by Kipf & Welling with DGL.

  • K-Wu/pytorch-direct_dgl

    PyTorch-Direct code on top of PyTorch-1.8.0nightly (e152ca5) for Large Graph Convolutional Network Training with GPU-Oriented Data Communication Architecture (accepted by PVLDB)

  • nhtsai/graph-rec

    Senior Capstone Project: Graph-Based Product Recommendation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook421212
  • waittim/graph-fraud-detection

    Colab implementation for Fraud Detection in Graph Neural Networks, based on Deep Graph Library (DGL) and PyTorch backend.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook37269
  • wey-gu/nebula-dgl

    NebulaGraph DGL(Deep Graph Library) Integration Package. (WIP)

  • vinayakakv/android-malware-detection

    Android Malware Detection with Graph Convolutional Networks using Function Call Graph and its Derivatives.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook362711
  • pde-dataset-generator


    A tool for generating PDEs ground truth datasets from ARCSim, FEniCS and SU2

    Language:Jupyter Notebook35327
  • langgege-cqu/maxp_dgl

    2021MXAP-DGL rank2

  • cmavro/Graph-InfoClust-GIC

    [PAKDD 2021] Graph InfoClust: Leveraging cluster-level node information for unsupervised graph representation learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook33208
  • wey-gu/NebulaGraph-Fraud-Detection-GNN

    An example project for training a GraphSAGE Model, and setup a Real-time Fraud Detection Web Service(Frontend and Backend) with NebulaGraph Database and DGL.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook33173
  • ceo21ckim/DGL-Tutorial

    This Repository includes DGL tutorials and various information related to graph neural networks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook30207
  • ytchx1999/MAXP_DGL_Graph

    MAXP 命题赛 任务一:基于DGL的图机器学习任务。队伍:Graph@ICT,🥉rank6。https://www.biendata.xyz/competition/maxp_dgl/


    Space4HGNN: A Novel, Modularized and Reproducible Platform to Evaluate Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network

  • itlab-vision/dl-benchmark

    Deep Learning Inference benchmark. Supports OpenVINO™ toolkit, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, ONNX Runtime, OpenCV DNN, MXNet, PyTorch, Apache TVM, ncnn, PaddlePaddle, etc.

  • Wang-Yu-Qing/EGES

    DGL implementation of EGES

  • sxwee/GNNsIMPL

  • JetBrains-Research/embeddings-for-trees

    Set of PyTorch modules for developing and evaluating different algorithms for embedding trees.

  • xnuohz/DimeNet-dgl

    A DGL implementation of "Directional Message Passing for Molecular Graphs" (ICLR 2020).

  • xnuohz/ARMA-dgl

    A DGL implementation of "Graph Neural Networks with convolutional ARMA filters". (PAMI 2021)

  • zahta/graph_ml

    Course: Graph Machine Learning focuses on the application of machine learning algorithms on graph-structured data. Some of the key topics that are covered in the course include graph representation learning and graph neural networks, algorithms for the world wide web, reasoning over knowledge graphs, and social network analysis.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook17307