There are 57 repositories under difflib topic.
Personal Assistant built using python libraries. It does almost anything which includes sending emails, Optical Text Recognition, Dynamic News Reporting at any time with API integration, Todo list generator, Opens any website with just a voice command, Plays Music, Wikipedia searching, Dictionary with Intelligent Sensing i.e. auto spell checking, Weather Reporting i.e. temp, wind speed, humidity, YouTube searching, Google Map searching, Youtube Downloading, etc.
Port of Python's difflib library to Rust
CyDifflib is a fast implementation of difflib's algorithms, which can be used as a drop-in replacement.
Mukammal Telegram bot kursi (http://mohirdev.uz/courses/telegram/) O'zbek tilidagi eng to'liq kurs.
Supporting material for the "Create Your Own Diff-Tool using Python" article
Supporting material for the video "How to Create a Simple but Effective Diff-Tool in Python" published on my YouTube channel.
An “Online Library Management System” to perform basic day-to-day management of library process such as Search book, Lend Book, Add book, Return book, view lend details(For Authorised Person), Delete Book
Parser for Python's difflib.
Detects similarities between strings & generates similarity hash
An in-depth and scattered research on OCR implementation using Tesseract
A dictionary created using tkinter GUI with autocomplete, text-speech, speech-text, virtual keypad feature.
The project "Copy-Catcher" is a simple plagiarism detection tool in python code, the basic idea is to normalize python representation and use difflib to get the modification from referenced code to candidate code. The plagiarism defined is how many referenced code is plagiarized by candidate code, which means swap referenced code and candidate code will get different result. The Similarity of the two files are being compared here.
Supporting material for the video "How to Build a Simple Text Suggestion Tool in Python" published on my YouTube channel.
Performs OCR on a list of images using Tesseract and performs fuzzy string matching with a given list of strings.
A human friendly, interactive dictionary, built with python....
This app is based on English Thesaurus Using CLI
English dictionary application. Written in Python and uses English dictionary JSON files by default. The JSON files can be changed any time in the application.
Practicing in python (The mega python course - Udemy)
Detects website changes (full/part of) using image/html/text comparisons and notify users via email
This is a GUI based Python Program which measures your Typing speed.
A dictionary built using pyLibraries based on key value pair matching
This project combines a chat bot with voice recognition capabilities to create an interactive Q&A system. The chat bot can recognize speech input, find the best match for a given question from a knowledge base, and provide an appropriate response. Additionally, it can learn new responses from the user.
Codes for a Plagiarism Checker Project using Tkinter and Difflib modules in Python
MetaCouncil's PC Games of the Year Awards 2018-20, Decade Awards 201X ; SteamDB's Discord GotY Awards 2024.
An AI Chatbot
A Python-powered Plagiarism Detector/Checker.
A Python GUI tool for visualizing differences between directories and files. Features side-by-side comparison with color-coded changes, directory structure visualization, and multi-format file support (PDF, TXT, DOCX). Built with Tkinter and difflib for intuitive file and folder comparison.
This project is a simple movie recommendation system built using Python. It suggests movies based on the similarity of titles and a predefined similarity score matrix.
This application facilitates the comparison of two PDF files. Differences are presented in a table, color-coded as red (deletions), green (additions), and orange (moved text). Users can save the results in Excel format. It is designed to check whether annotations have been taken into account during the comparison process.
Análise georreferenciada de dados públicos para a identificação de lotações de membros do MPSP que podem se aposentar.
Python script that downloads YouTube videos and converts them to MP3 using yt-dlp and FFmpeg.
Rating: (6/10) The project uses Python libraries and APIs to analyze Reddit data, predict user input, suggest new titles based on cosine similarity, calculate combined scores, and output the best suggestion.
A difflib chatbot for a web developer website