
An “Online Library Management System” to perform basic day-to-day management of library process such as Search book, Lend Book, Add book, Return book, view lend details(For Authorised Person), Delete Book

Primary LanguagePython

Library Management System forthebadge


create A Python project on “Online Library Management System”. in python3.8 its a system used for basic day-to-day management of library process. here we perform following functions:

For example:

Welcome to the library.

Choose the task you want to perform!   
1 Display All the books in the library 
2 Display Available books 
3 Search book
4 Lend Book
5 Add a book
6 Return book
7 view lend details(For Authorised Personal Only)
8 Delete Book

Enter your choice:

After that, create a main function and run an infinite while loop that asks the users for their input that whether they want to display, lend, add or return a book etc.

7 for authorised person

ID= 336677 , Password = boss@123


Maintain a dictionary for the users who own a book. Dictionary should take book name as a key and name of the person as a value. Whenever you lend a book to a user, you should maintain a dictionary.

Module used

python module difflib from difflib import get_close_matches

from databook import booksltss (importing books from different file nameing databook)


Your laptop with 3.7.x (onwards) installed.

NOTE: Those with Linux and MacOSX would have Python installed by default, no action required.

Windows: Download the version for your laptop via https://www.python.org/downloads/

NOTES In your preferred editor, make sure indentation is set to "4 spaces".

Do not delete this file or program may fail databook.py ⚠️

Run using Python3.8+

  1. Clone or download repositiory: https://github.com/arevish/libraryManagementSystem.git
  2. In source folder, run python3 'library management system.py' to start program, optionally, run with --help argument to see other runtime options.