
There are 128 repositories under doctor-appointment-management topic.

  • edoc-doctor-appointment-system


    This PHP-based open source project is a web application for booking medical appointments. Patients can use the platform to easily schedule appointments with their doctors, saving time and effort. The project's source code is open for anyone to use, modify, and distribute according to their needs.

  • Ujjalzaman/Doctor-Appointment

    A doctor appointment can be obtained by a patient through this website.

  • harismuneer/Clinic-Management-System-ASP.NET

    👨‍⚕️ A fully featured Clinic Management System based on three tier architecture made using ASP.NET, C# with a well documented file.

  • Jawwad-Fida/HealthStack-System

    An online based platform for multiple hospitals. Ability to track, monitor, and share a patient's health records between all hospitals. Patients can also see information regarding multiple hospitals and doctors, as well as take appointments via online. Pay laboratory tests via online as well as chat with appointed doctors.

  • mdtalalwasim/Doctor-Patient-Portal-AdvanceJavaWebProject

    Doctor Patient Portal is an Advance Java Project. Technology used in this project: Advance JAVA concepts like JSP, JSTL, Servlet, HTML, CSS, Boostrap 5 and MySQL

  • Kalpesh209/flutter_doctor_appointment_booking_app

    On Demand Doctor Appointment Booking App Built in Flutter

  • Aman-Codes/MedBuddy

    A medical website that manages the health portfolio of the patient and provides doctor’s assistance through an online portal.

  • Avinash905/HealthBooker

    This is a healthcare platform where you can browse doctors, manage profiles, and book appointments. Enjoy notifications and secure access. Aspiring doctors can apply too. Admin ensures smooth operations. Your data is safe with us. Join us for effortless healthcare interactions!

  • danakh103/Doctor-Appointment

    Doctor-Appointment E-commerce mobile App is developed using Android studio, Google Map Api, Payment Gateways Apis

  • ilyasstrh/Health_Care_App

    HealthCare App

  • medkey-org/medkey

    Medkey Hospital Information System main repository: Practice Management for Practicioners & Hospitals, EHR, Patient Engagement

  • abd0hrz/Doctor-appointment-booking-app

    MERN Stack Doctor Appointment Booking Application using React , Redux Toolkit , AntD , Node , MongoDB

  • eduardoplnascimento/medmazza

    Agendamento de consultas médicas online.

  • kahramanumut/AppointmentSystem

    A little bit appointment system in .NetCore

  • boldo-mobile


    Flutter based mobile application (iOS and Android) for Boldo (Patients).

  • bhavya-arora/Doctorave

    Doctorave is a Patient information and Appointment Manager for Doctors and Patients can get their appointment at one click.

  • SamwitAdhikary/EZHEALTH-Medical-App

    “Ezhealth - The Medical App” is a project which aim in developing an android application to help in getting information and updates about one’s health and medical related issues.

  • shametha/Docoline

    Docoline is a virtual Doctor appointment booking application, that has been developed to override the problems of booking an appointment with a doctor specially prevailing in the pandemic situation. This software is supported to eliminate the hardships faced by this existing manual booking system. No formal knowledge is needed for the user to use this system. Thus by this all it proves it is user-friendly.

  • mhmiyazi/Medical-Website

    Gynaecology Medical Website. Base Language: English & German

  • nishanthbhat07/Healthnomics-Practo_Clone

    Healthnomics is a platform that allows patients to book doctor appointments/consultations without any difficulty.

  • sagor1414/sMedical

    this is a complete doctor appointment app there user can appoint a doctor

  • Intelehealth/intelehealth-doctor-webapp

    Intelehealth's Doctor Web Application

  • ChiranjeebNayak/Doctor-Appointment

    This is a Doctor -Appointment project.Here any patient can login and book an appointment very easily and they will get an notification before time and after check up in online through video call they will get an list of medicine and tests any required . This will help to consume your time and help to check up easily and keep social distance.

  • plutonurmux/Doctor-Appiontment

    A doctor appointment can be obtained by a patient through this website.

  • navneet-kumar/MyClinic

    Help's manage your appointments.

  • Haris-Mohanty/ApexBooking-Health

    ApexBooking Health is a Doctor Appointment Booking App, where MongoDB use for flexible data handling, React and Ant Design synergy for dynamic UI components, and Node.js with Express for a scalable server. The project includes an intuitive admin panel for easy management and incorporates a notification system for real-time updates.

  • jahid56/doctor

    Hospital & Doctor Information System from Bangladesh. It has also Doctor admin panel to update a doctors information. One can also booking a doctor in this system

  • zaidajani/appointment-app

    This is an application made using node.js, express.js and MongoDB as a database, You can take an appointment, the person who took an appointment receives an email on his appointment and even the doctor receives an email on the appointment taken by the patient

  • gautamgc17/Health-CheckUp

    AI based health checkup web tool

  • boldo-web


    Browser based web application for Boldo (Doctors).

  • ahmadsalahuddeen/Doctor-portal-react

    Doctor appointment app with admin, user, doctor panel & authorization, - React, Nodejs, MongoDB , redux-toolkit for state management, ant design, express, axios

  • Amir-Shamsi/smart-doctor-appointment

    Smart Doctor Appointment Booking App

  • anupammallick88/OneTelemedicine

    An One Telemedicine system is a technological solution designed to monitor and manage the health and well-being of patients from a distance.

  • zipprrofficial/practo-clone

    Practo is the leading online doctor booking and telemedicine platform in India with over 50 million users. Recognizing the success and growth potential in this space, Zipprr has developed a feature-rich Practo clone script to help businesses launch their own online medical portals.