
There are 39 repositories under dry-principle topic.

  • muryno/CleanArchitecture_Modularization

    Clean Architecture, Modularization and Unit Testing

  • SOLID-Factory


    SOLID Factory is a Unity2D Project which has been developed to test high-level programming concepts such as SOLID, DRY, Separation of Concern, Composition over Inheritance, Maximize Cohesion, Minimize Coupling, and Dependency Injection(via Exzenject) principles in Unity.

  • omid-ahmadpour/Software-Development-Principle

    This repo highlights the list of software development principles.

  • ezgiyaman/SoftwarePrinciples

    Bu repository , SOLID ilkelerinin anlamlarını ve örneklerini içerir.

  • Gabrielpatrola/programming-principles

    Repositório criado para servir de base de conhecimento sobre princípios de programação.

  • Fadahunsiseyi/TaskManagementApplication

    This project is the backend API implementation for a comprehensive Task Management System. The system is designed to streamline task and project management while ensuring efficient communication through notifications.

  • HarshAgarwal1102/Street_Fighter

    Java Swing-based 2D Fighting game.

  • HarshAgarwal1102/MultiUser_Chat_App

    Creating a multiuser chat app in Java, providing real-time communication and collaboration among multiple users.

  • burus86/api-ddd-template

    API template with DDD and Hexagonal architecture

  • MilosCemalovic/rafting-1

    Project contains Advance CSS, BEM Architecture, SASS, CSS Grid, CSS Flexbox, DRY principle, CSS animatios, SVG icons and HTML5. Check out MVC OOP PHP version with validation fields on my GitHub profile.

  • salmanwaheed/bash-lib

    DRY Principle is don't write same code again and again so, reducing redundancy

  • Eagle0eye/Head-First-Object-Oriented-Analysis-and-Design

    My Summary and Implementation for Head First OOAD

  • BlackTroopersAPI


    Projeto de estudo de C# e Clean Architecture que servirá a um SPA Angular para os apoiadores do projeto Black Troopers.

  • jmcaluyafuentes/terminal-app

    Term 1 Final Assignment (Coder Academy, Diploma of IT)

  • mavine4512/E-Learning_Platform

    CourseConnect E-Learning Platform

  • MustafaAhmed-star/Dj-Ecommerce

    Micro E-commerce

  • PrayagTandon/gpt-3_landing-page

    Developed a beautiful UI/UX for an OPEN AI based website

  • PrayagTandon/Rolling-rivals

    Created a simple dice roll game where 2 players compete against each other and the first person to get 100 points win

  • robin-dc/Javascript-POS-System

    Point of sales system runned by the console

  • aajafry/recto

    Recto is a Dashboard Template based on React. where i explore Chart.js, FullCalendar.js and token based authentication with passport oAuth also practicing atomic-design system, SOLID architecture, DRY principle and custom hooks.

  • Ana-Iordache/CTS

    A refactorized example according to clean code and SOLID principles

  • DawidLokiec/cpp-commons

    This CMake-based project contains functions I use frequently while programming in C++. Occasionally this library will be expanded by me over time. Feel free to use this repository or make interesting pull requests.

  • DawidLokiec/cuda-toolkit

    This CMake-based project contains some wrappers around the CUDA functions I use frequently. The wrappers are mainly concerned with throwing an exception with meaningful error messages in case of errors or ensuring that the GPU is always shut down properly and all alocated ressources are released. Some utility functions are also available.

  • DawidLokiec/opencl-toolkit

    This CMake-based project contains some wrappers around the OpenCL functions I use frequently. The wrappers are mainly concerned with throwing an exception with meaningful error messages in case of errors or ensuring that the target devices are always shut down properly and all alocated ressources are released.

  • kristiyankiryakov/Wall-e-The-second

    A Node.js & TypeScript REST API that enables user management and wallet operations including creating users, managing wallets, and handling deposits/withdrawals.

  • zlhshn/stock_app

    In the stock management project, which is a multi-page frontend web application, I worked global state management using Redux and used the REST API in the Node.js backend structure.

  • a9na/the-pragmatic-programmer

    Notes and insights from Andrew Hunt’s book. 🧠📝 Dive into key principles and practices of pragmatic programming. 🌟👩‍💻

  • abolfazlSadeqi/DRY_KISS_YAGNI

    This is Example to DRY and KISS and YAGNI principle in C#

  • CodeMaster17/EduManageAPI

    This is a Go backend application folllowing SOLID Principles and DRY Principle, that generates summary of students using Ollama LLM using LLama3.2 model.

  • dedaldinodev4/nest-prisma-design-patterns

    🚀 Builder An API with Nest + Prisma + SQLite + Design Patterns

  • divyadhimaan/low-level-design

    This repository serves as a comprehensive guide to Low-Level Design (LLD), aimed at helping developers understand and implement essential design concepts in software development.

  • eavelasquez/clean-solid

    This is a Vanilla TypeScript project on Vite, which contains exercises on SOLID Principles and Clean Code.

  • Edmartt/booktastic-book-service

    Microservice for booktastic project handling books and all related to books

  • mahammad-mostafa/to-do-list-review

    This project is copied from the fourth project in the second module in Microverse program. It is intended for practicing code reviews & peer feedback. It should adhere to best practices in (HTML / CSS / JavaScript) & comply with (DRY / KISS / YAGNI) principles.

  • mohannad-balam/restaurant_client

    restaurant reservation app made with clean architecture, bloc state management, following DRY and SOLID principles
