- About project
- Set up project
- Unit Tests
- Code Quality Checker Tools
- Code Analysis Tools
- Documentation
- Future improvements
- Symfony 4.4
- Docker with PHP 8 and MySQL 5.7 containers
- Makefile
- Packages installed: Symfony Flex, Doctrine, Security, NelmioApiDocBundle, MakerBundle, DoctrineFixturesBundle and PHPUnit among others
- DDD and Hexagonal architecture
- Best practices: Clean code, PHP Standards Recommendations (PSR), SOLID principles and design patterns
- Unit tests: PHP Unit
- Code Quality Checker Tools: PHP_CodeSniffer, PHPStan, PHP Mess Detector, PHP Magic Number Detector, PHP Copy Paste Detector, Churn-php, PhpDeprecationDetector, Twigcs
- Code Analysis Tools: Deptrac
- Exceptions handler
- Database full dump with test data included in
If not already done, install Docker Compose before continue with installation.
Clone repository:
git clone https://github.com/burus86/api-ddd-template.git
cd api-ddd-template
Build and up docker containers:
make start
Install composer dependencies:
make install
Rename filename .env.dist
as .env
value with database parameters
Open filename .env.test
value with test database parameters.
Execute the following commands to create an empty database with the name specified in .env
make bash
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Execute the following command in order to dump fake data in database tables:
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Alternatively, you can either import the db-api-ddd-template-full.sql
file, included in migrations
folder, to create and populate the database schema, however this file might not be up to date.
docker exec -it api-ddd-template_db bash
mysql -uroot -p
create database db_api_ddd_template;
mysql -uroot -p db_api_ddd_template < /var/backups/db-api-ddd-template-full.sql
Open in your favorite web browser the website http://localhost:8080/api/doc.
All API endpoints require a X-AUTH-TOKEN
in header, with a value equal to field api_token in user table. Example: cU70Sbr0qKrUQHE0tw60XQVMwBP8hJrdRMY61xhX
To run all the tests (unit tests, code quality checker tools and code analysis tools), just execute the command make test
with option -i or --ignore-errors:
make test -i
If you prefer, it's also possible to run each individual test following the instructions below.
make test-phpunit
- https://thevaluable.dev/code-quality-check-tools-php/
- https://github.com/collections/code-quality-in-php
make test-phpcs
In order to automatically correct coding standard violations, execute:
make test-phpcbf
make test-phpstan
make test-phpmd
make test-phpmnd
make test-phpcpd
is a package that helps you identify php files in your project that could be good candidates for refactoring.
make test-churn
make test-phpdd
make test-twigcs
make test-deptrac
The easiest way to generate full project documentation is by running the following command:
php phpDocumentor.phar -d src -t public/docs
Once generated, you can check the documentation under http://localhost:8080/docs in your favorite web browser.
- Upgrade PHP to latest stable version: 8.0
- Add docker configuration files
- Upgrade Symfony to latest stable version: 5.3
- Add JWT authentication, which replace current API Key defined in user
- Create application tests, to check the integration of all the different layers of the application.
- Install serializer component to normalize objects as JSON and hide specific fields
- Use DoctrineMigrationsBundle
- Add uuid field for each model and hide id field on JSON responses