
There are 47 repositories under duckduckgo-search topic.

  • deedy5/duckduckgo_search

    Search for words, documents, images, videos, news, maps and text translation using the search engine. Downloading files and images to a local hard drive.

  • NotaInutilis/Super-SEO-Spam-Suppressor

    An anticapitalist blocklist targeting websites abusing SEO tactics to spam web searches with data pollution and security risks: content farms, scrapers, copycats, generative AIs, scams, advertisements, malwares, and useless wasteful garbage in general. It is best used with uBlacklist.

  • lessapi-dev/lessapi-duckduckgo

    LessAPI-DuckDuckGo is an API service for a search engine. Simple, lightweight, reliable, Docker deployable, easy to maintain. 一个基于DuckDuckGo的搜索引擎API服务。简单、轻量、可靠、Docker部署、易于维护。

  • duckpy


    A simple Python library for searching on DuckDuckGo.

  • etemesi-ke/ISearch

    Bring the power of Search Engines into the command line. Search using Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo straight from the command line

  • MycroftAI/fallback-duckduckgo

    Mycroft AI official Duck Duck Go Skill - used as a fallback if an Utterance can't be matched to an Intent

  • BalajiDany/lantern-server

    Yet another java based Meta Search Engine with a highly modular structure. It rapidly sends queries to several search engines, aggregates the results, and categorizes the result by search engines they come from.

  • nicoleahmed/nicoles-ublacklist

    Block bad & dangerous search results using uBlacklist. A collection of filter lists for different locales and settings. Additionally Nicole's personal subscription list

  • JohnScooby/DuckDuckGo-Scraper

    A Simple Script To Scrape DuckDuckGo Search Results Using Python And Selenium WebDriver.

  • LikithMeruvu/AINewsResearcher-and-BlogWriter

    Project automates AI news gathering and Blog post Writing. Our AI agent collects insights and news about any topic From Internet and Writes an Amazing Blog post or Article on that topic. Integrating Crew AI frameworks for robust Agents

  • zhiweio/navi-search-app

    从 Google、DuckDuckGo、Baidu、Google Scholar、GitHub、YouTube 搜索和导出数据。

  • arsentievalex/newspulse-databricks-hackathon

    NewsPulse is AI powered news analytics app for investors

    Language:Jupyter Notebook51
  • Jishnnu/DiagnoAI-Medical-Chatbot

    Simple Generative AI enabled Streamlit web application that converts speech to-image.

  • patdryburgh/ddg-searchbox

    Add a custom DuckDuckGo search bar to your website

  • shosatojp/search-blocker

    A tampermonkey user script, which blocks Google, Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo search results you don't want to see.

  • BalajiDany/lantern-web-client

    A Web application for Eniac Search Engine, It is based on the angular 10 and Styled with bootstrap. To know more about ENIAC search engine please refer -

  • LikithMeruvu/Internet-Access-to-LLM

    This repository provides a framework to integrate internet search capabilities with a Language Learning Model (LLM), specifically using Gemini 1.5 API. This allows the LLM to fetch and use real-time data from the internet to enhance its responses to user queries.

  • ootiq/hanapin

    Simple web search library

  • stuckathomedev/duck-feed

    Desktop Multi-Platform RSS Viewer - Python

  • darylalim/agent-letter-correspondence

    Generate a draft of a letter of correspondence with AI agents and LLMs.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • darylalim/agent-research-memo

    Generate a draft of a research memo with AI agents and LLMs.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • jordan-jakisa/blog_post_writer

    An AI agent that writes SEO-optimised blog posts and outputs a properly formatted markdown document.

  • mohsalsaleem/ddgo-cli

    CLI client for duckduckgo

  • enveezee/duckit

    A duckduckgo search plugin for supybot/limnoria

  • labteral/beak

    Unofficial Python client for DuckDuckGo

  • OdinF13/duckduckgo-cli

    DuckDuckGo search engine for CLI

  • shiwam-c114/duckduckgo-search-api

    A lightweight node package to programmatically obtain search results from DuckDuckGo search engine.

  • bigg01/crew-ollama-agent

    experiment: create AI Agents

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • ashirbadsahu/telebased

    Haven't hosted yet.

  • darylalim/agent-housing

    Generate a policy brief to analyze utilities and housing data in a location.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • darylalim/agent-keynote-speech

    Generate a draft of a keynote speech.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • darylalim/agent-talking-points-meeting

    Generate a draft of talking points for a meeting.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • kingwill101/duckduckgo_search

    Search using the DuckDuckGo api

  • ks-nunes/surchin

    Surchin is a simple script which works to redirect sites found with duckduckgo for lynx.

  • mrnust/Automated-Blog-Post-Generation-GenerativeAI-MAS

    Writer's block blues? Give this project a topic - like "easy summer recipes." Two AI agents take care of the rest! One hunts for cool info, the other crafts a fun blog post. They're like magic helpers, freeing you up for new ideas!

  • W4IT-Dev/quack

    Unofficial DuckDuckGo Client for KaiOS
