
There are 6 repositories under duplications topic.

  • kucherenko/jscpd

    Copy/paste detector for programming source code.

  • Oshlack/MINTIE

    Method for Identifying Novel Transcripts and Isoforms using Equivalence classes, in cancer and rare disease.

  • nhat-phan/shit-cleaner

    An Intellij IDE plugin which uses Code Climate CLI to analyze your source code on local machine and display code smells/duplications right in your IDE

  • tasleson/duplihere

    Copy & Paste finder for structured text files.

  • dineshssdn-867/Data-entry-portal

    This form is created for the firm which are willing to make ids of a for their people or people working in their. This forms basically deals with form data and take care abouts the duplications and tries to avoid errors using external messanging services like twillo which will notify users about the data which will avoid errors and this information will be further used for id prints.

  • gregswindle/generator-android-qa-gates

    Assuage finicky SonarQube settings for Android libraries.