
There are 51 repositories under electrostatics topic.

  • ITMO-physics-math-2022-2023


    A collection of labs and homework assignments related to physics, calculus, and linear algebra. The labs offer hands-on experiments and demonstrations related to quantum physics, electrostatics and electrodynamics, signal processing, etc

    Language:Jupyter Notebook56103
  • Range-Software/range3

    Range Software - Finite Element Analysis

  • Jana-Marie/electrostatic-adhesion-plate

    Electrostatic adhesion plate

  • lab-cosmo/torch-pme

    Particle-mesh based calculations of long-range interactions in PyTorch

  • dylannalex/electripy

    Learn electrostatics by playing around with electrons and protons.

  • s-ankur/montecarlo-pde

    Monte Carlo Method to Solve Laplace and Poisson Equations with example for EE447 High Voltage Engineering

  • mlund/coulombgalore

    C++ Library for Electrostatics

  • jrotheneder/FMM

    Implementation of the fast multipole method (FMM) for the efficient evaluation of potentials and force fields in gravitation/electrostatics problems

  • Arc676/EM-Field-Visualizer

    Electric and magnetic field visualizer for electro- and magnetostatics problems

  • efliks/pcetk

    pDynamo-based toolkit for protonation state calculations in proteins

  • softmaterialslab/nanoconfinement-md

    This code allows users to simulate ions confined between material surfaces that are nanometers apart, and extract the associated ionic structure.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook771813
  • barbagroup/bempp_exafmm_paper

    Manuscript repository for our research paper, including reproducibility packages for all results, and latex source files.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook66212
  • IISc-Software-iGEM/bept

    Bept - Beginner friendly Electrostatics for Protein analysis Tool, made by IISc-Software Team 2024

  • tkemmer/NESSie.jl

    Nonlocal Electrostatics in Structured Solvents

  • gmkoeb/laplace-solver

    Solves the Laplace equation for a specific mesh and boundaries.

  • PeptoneLtd/pepkalc

    Robust simulation software for the comprehensive evaluation of protein electrostatics in unfolded state.

  • prajwalsouza/Poisson-Equation

    A web app solving Poisson's equation in electrostatics using finite difference methods for discretization, followed by gauss-seidel methods for solving the equations. Dirichlet conditions and charge density can be set.

  • silicos-it/spectrophore

    Spectrophore technology as published in J. Cheminformatics (2018) 10, 9

  • martinezManuelF/AnisotropicTransmissionLine

    A MATLAB script that simulates transmission lines embedded in anisotropic media.

  • Becksteinlab/BornProfiler

    A small Python package to set up electrostatic solvation free energy ("Born energy") calculations of an ion in a membrane protein and calculate the electrostatic free energy with APBS .

  • Samson-Mano/EM_Propogation_simulation

    Visualizing Electromagnetic Propagation using C++, OpenGL: Explore the fascinating classical world of electromagnetic waves through 2D simulations and visualizations powered by larmour delayed potential in C++ with OpenGL graphics.

  • Dhi13man/3Dimensional-Electrostatics-Simulation

    MATLAB project to simulate Electrostatic phenomenon, particularly Coulomb's Law. We maintain a simulated 3D 'Charge space' assumed to be an infinite homogenous insulating medium. The assumption is that every charged body in it remains stationary.

  • Gattocrucco/estatic

    Python module to solve the electrostatic problem with conductors and dielectrics in 2D.

  • mlund/cppm-generator

    Command-line tool for making charged, patchy Particles

  • mlund/SI-crownether-ion-binding

    Counter Intuitive Electrostatics upon Metal Ion Coordination to a Receptor with Two Homotopic Binding Sites

    Language:Jupyter Notebook230
  • nipponjo/poisson-fdm

    A simple framework for setting up electrostatic problems and solving them using the finite difference method

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • pujanajmera/pycpet

    Computing Protein Electric Field Topology in python, built for high-throughput accelerated calculations

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • tonibois/KeggDrugVirtualScreening

    A software for analysis and fast virtual screen of KEGG_DRUG molecular database of accepted drugs classificated by ATC codes

  • beetrandahiya/Simulation-of-motion-of-charged-particle

    This is Simulation of motion of a charged particle inside a Uniform Electric field. It is probably the best use of matter.js I have ever done. Uniform Electric field apply a constant force. that can be calculated using the very simple formula F=qE . So, Enjoy the simulation , and follow me for more amazing stuff

  • gara613/Static-MoM-examples

    Contains some examples on the solution of basic electrostatic problems using MoM formulation

  • prajwalsouza/Electrostatic-Classifier

    A classifier inspired by electrostatics. Works with weighted datasets.

  • Valentyk/My-bachelor-thesis

    Materials and code that I used for my bachelor thesis - Electrostatics and magnetostatics on a hypersphere

  • Abhishek92kumar/abhishek92kumar.github.io

    Contains Simulations of Physics

  • Avesta03/ElectrostaticsLabReportAnalysis

    Durham University Electrostatics & Coulomb's Law Analyses for Lab Report

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • BingchengSuo/pymph

    A python package that converts Klayout .gds files to COMSOL .mph files for quantum dots electrostatic simulations.

  • mlund/coulomb

    Library for Electrolyte Solutions and Electrostatic Interactions
