
There are 12 repositories under embedded-javascript-templates topic.

  • s4chin-verma/Blog-Website

    A beginner-level blog website developed 🚸🚸 with β™  Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB for the database, and βž‘β™‚ EJS templating for πŸ” server-side πŸ€–πŸ» rendering.

  • Vijay093/Quiz-Website

    A quiz website (True/False) to update knowledge.

  • erinkelsey/secretsapp-nodejs

    🀫 Whisper app clone using Node.js, Express, EJS and MongoDB

  • erinkelsey/shopapp-nodejs

    πŸ›’ An eCommerce app built with Node.js, Express, mongoDB, mongoose and Stripe.

  • infraform/docker-compose-todo

    todo application built with Node.js and Express.js that lets you add tasks on a single page, store new and finished tasks in different arrays. Containerized with Docker and tested with NPM through GitHub Actions pipeline.

  • s4chin-verma/to-do-list

    Initiating my backend journey πŸƒπŸƒ with a Todo List app! πŸš€ Developed using EJS, Node.js, and ❌ Express, this πŸ‘† marks the start πŸ†•πŸ†• of exploring backend web development πŸ”¬πŸ”¬

  • saif-gitreps/Deadline-Duo

    An all in one effective Student Planner web application which assists students in reminding deadlines, prioritizing tasks and study cards to help memorize topics easily.

  • anasrehman/Simple-Blog---CRUD

    This repository contains the code and resources for the "Build Your Own API" course by Angela Yu. The project demonstrates how to create a RESTful API using Node.js and Express.js, featuring CRUD operations. It also includes a simple frontend built with HTML, CSS, and EJS for dynamic content rendering.

  • devenes/node-js-dummy-test

    Simple To Do application built with Node.js and Express.js that lets you add tasks on a single page, store new and finished tasks in different arrays. Containerized with Docker and tested with NPM through GitHub Actions pipeline.

  • erinkelsey/personalblog-nodejs

    ✍️ Example personal blog with Node.js, Express, EJS and MongoDB

  • erinkelsey/todoapp-nodejs

    πŸ“ Todo list app with Node.js, Express, EJS (Embedded Javascript templates), and MongoDB
