
There are 64 repositories under emnlp topic.

  • roomylee/awesome-relation-extraction

    📖 A curated list of awesome resources dedicated to Relation Extraction, one of the most important tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP).

  • soulbliss/NLP-conference-compendium

    Compendium of the resources available from top NLP conferences.

  • roomylee/nlp-papers-with-arxiv

    Statistics and accepted paper list of NLP conferences with arXiv link

    Language:Jupyter Notebook43010055
  • roomylee/EMNLP-2019-Papers

    Statistics and Accepted paper list with arXiv link of EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2339020
  • xcfcode/What-I-Have-Read

    Paper Lists, Notes and Slides, Focus on NLP. For summarization, please refer to https://github.com/xcfcode/Summarization-Papers

  • davidsbatista/BREDS

    "Bootstrapping Relationship Extractors with Distributional Semantics" (Batista et al., 2015) in EMNLP'15 - Python implementation

  • kdexd/lang-emerge-parlai

    Implementation of EMNLP 2017 Paper "Natural Language Does Not Emerge 'Naturally' in Multi-Agent Dialog" using PyTorch and ParlAI

  • xlxwalex/FCGEC

    The Corpus & Code for EMNLP 2022 paper "FCGEC: Fine-Grained Corpus for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction" | FCGEC中文语法纠错语料及STG模型

  • PetrochukM/Simple-QA-EMNLP-2018

    Code for my EMNLP 2018 paper "SimpleQuestions Nearly Solved: A New Upperbound and Baseline Approach"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10112828
  • DmitryRyumin/EMNLP-2023-Papers

    EMNLP 2023 Papers: Explore cutting-edge research from EMNLP 2023, the premier conference for advancing empirical methods in natural language processing. Stay updated on the latest in machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing with code included. :star: support NLP!

  • DmitryRyumin/NewEraAI-Papers

    The repository provides links to collections of influential and interesting research papers from top AI conferences, with open-source code to promote reproducibility and provide detailed implementation insights beyond the scope of the article. Stay up to date with the latest advances in AI research!

  • FuxiaoLiu/VisualNews-Repository

    [EMNLP'21] Visual News: Benchmark and Challenges in News Image Captioning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook821439
  • asappresearch/dialog-intent-induction

    Code and data for paper "Dialog Intent Induction with Deep Multi-View Clustering", Hugh Perkins and Yi Yang, 2019, EMNLP 2019

  • dheeraj7596/SCDV

    Text classification with Sparse Composite Document Vectors.

  • ll0ruc/event-extraction-paper

    Papers from top conferences and journals for event extraction in recent years

  • indolem/IndoBERTweet

    IndoBERTweet is the first large-scale pretrained model for Indonesian Twitter. Published at EMNLP 2021 (main conference)

  • badripatro/PQG

    Code for paper title "Learning Semantic Sentence Embeddings using Pair-wise Discriminator" COLING-2018

    Language:Jupyter Notebook54569
  • rguthrie3/MorphologicalPriorsForWordEmbeddings

    Code for EMNLP 2016 paper: Morphological Priors for Probabilistic Word Embeddings


    Official Code For TDEER: An Efficient Translating Decoding Schema for Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations (EMNLP 2021)

  • skywalker023/pragmatic-consistency

    🤖 Code for our EMNLP 2020 paper: "Will I Sound Like Me? Improving Persona Consistency in Dialogues through Pragmatic Self-Consciousness"

  • abhi1nandy2/EMNLP-2021-Findings

    This repo has the code for the paper "Question Answering over Electronic Devices: A New Benchmark Dataset and a Multi-Task Learning based QA Framework" accepted at EMNLP 2021 Findings.

  • easonnie/ChaosNLI

    [EMNLP 2020] Collective HumAn OpinionS on Natural Language Inference Data

  • zjunlp/LREBench

    [EMNLP 2022 Findings] Towards Realistic Low-resource Relation Extraction: A Benchmark with Empirical Baseline Study

  • applicaai/contract-discovery

    Data and additional information regarding the paper: Contract Discovery. Dataset and a Few-Shot Semantic Retrieval Challenge with Competitive Baselines (to appear in Findings of EMNLP).

  • badripatro/awesome-vqg

    Visual Question Generation reading list

  • ishalyminov/few_shot_dialogue_generation

    Dialogue Knowledge Transfer Networks (DiKTNet)

  • L-Zhe/CoRPG

    Code for paper Document-Level Paraphrase Generation with Sentence Rewriting and Reordering by Zhe Lin, Yitao Cai and Xiaojun Wan. This paper is accepted by Findings of EMNLP'21.

  • ll0ruc/MOGANED

    An unofficial code reproduction in the field of event extraction of EMNLP-19 paper "Event Detection with Multi-Order Graph Convolution and Aggregated Attention"

  • zhengyima/paperlist_nlp_ir_rec_ai_conference


  • awesome-sentiment-attitude-extraction


    A curated list of awesome sentiment analysis studies, in which attitude corresponds to the text position conveyed by Subject towards other Object mentioned in text such as: entities, events, etc.

  • XinnuoXu/CVAE_Dial

    CVAE_XGate model in paper "Xu, Dusek, Konstas, Rieser. Better Conversations by Modeling, Filtering, and Optimizing for Coherence and Diversity"

  • IBM/sciqa-arcade198-dataset

    ARCADE198 Dataset from the ACL 2018 MRQA Workshop

  • shimo-lab/Universal-Geometry-with-ICA

    Discovering Universal Geometry in Embeddings with ICA

  • bloomberg/emnlp20_depsrl

    Research code and scripts used in the paper Semantic Role Labeling as Syntactic Dependency Parsing.

  • Humor-Research/Humor-detection

    A Systematic Investigation of Transferability and Robustness of Humor Detection Models
