
There are 15 repositories under exponential-regression topic.

  • alexamici/covid-19-notebooks

    Data analysis of the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy updated daily from official sources

    Language:Jupyter Notebook306311
  • vktrbr/optimization_ml

    Optimization in ML

  • alihakimtaskiran/mldlnl

    The Most Efficient Way to Design AI

  • nikolas-virionis/polynomial-regression

    Python package that analyses the given datasets and comes up with the best regression representation with either the smallest polynomial degree possible, to be the most reliable without overfitting or other models such as exponentials and logarithms

  • rtimbro185/syr_mads_scm651_business_analytics

    Syracuse University, Masters of Applied Data Science -SCM 651 Business Analytics

  • yashsehgal/sigmoid-function-cpp

    This is an example machine learning programming using C++. I have created an example of Sigmoid function in C++.

  • jonathanmckinnell/COVID-19-forecasting-dashboard

    COVID-19 forecasting dashboard using data from John Hopkins University, PHE and www.gov.uk. An NHS Bed forecasting model for England is also added to the UK table and plotted. There is also a notebook for forecasting the Italy COVID-19 cases which implements a logistic model, and exponential model, and tries the fb prophet model. Important note: Please note that the case forecasting and bed forecasting model is experimental and not yet validated (as cases have not yet arrived since the model is being developed as the pandemic unfolds). The model is only as good as its assumptions and starting data both of which are likely to have limitations, especially this early in the pandemic and therefore it should not be used for clinical decision making.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • MalikSploit/Regression_Lineaire_Exponentielle_Puissance_En_C

    Programme pour effectuer une régression linéaire, régression exponentielle et régression puissance en C

  • nagdevAmruthnath/covid19-Michigan

    The repo contains initial analysis and model for COVID19 prediction model for Michigan.

  • reshalfahsi/regression

    Set of Regression Method

  • simonchemnitz/BiExpReg

    Bi-exponential regression, (two-phase decay)

  • coder-amey/COVID-19-Tracker

    This repository houses code for the visualization of data pertaining to the spread of COVID-19. View deployment here:

  • Takwimu-Lab/Covid-19-BJ

    Ce dépôt contient des applications de notions de data science (nettoyage, visualisation, modélisation...) avec python sur le cas de l'évolution du nouveau coronavirus covid-19 au Bénin.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0102
  • includeamin/regression-python


  • Spandyie/Exponential-regression-using-Gradient-descent

    This repository contains the code that does exponential regression using gradient descent optimizer.
