
There are 79 repositories under expre topic.

  • sayedazharsabri/Quiz-App-REST-API-TS-Mongoose

    This is REST API for a Quiz App build using TypeScript and Mongoose.

  • IbrahimShamma99/FirstMernApp

    Simple Mongo Express React Node App

  • sohagzayan/MERN-Stack-Foodify-shop

    Website for fruits warehouse management Users can account and can upload their product Also users can Delete their Products and make admin to stock update

  • abdulrahmans0414/brandGenerator

    A web application for generating unique brand names. Combine adjectives and nouns to explore creative possibilities. Simple, responsive, and customizable. Start building your brand identity with ease!

  • Johnjahbless/Bank-Portal

    Banking Portal with Node & Express with seven different routes that will include index, profile, savings, checking, credit, transfer and payment.

  • supunbatagoda/node-express-boilerplate

    A boilerplate for building production-ready RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, and MySql

  • Anshul-Sonpure/LoginSystem

    Simple Login System with user authentication, user can perfrom Get and Post operation .Build using node.js and ejs.Deployed on cloud based platform i.e. Render.I have written an article on the same do check the below article on medium.

  • ayacomputer/PWA-Text-Editor

    An installable PWA text editor which works without an internet connection using IndexedDB database for storing data.

  • geetansh810/hackit-frontend

    All in one platform for contest, hackathons ,internships and college placement notices

  • heyabrar/MyTodo-Backend

    Backend for the Todo Application.

  • Shivansh2287/chat-application

    Chat application using sockets

  • SrHugoGarcia/Project-Microservices-Backend-Certificate

    Proyecto de certificados (Microservicios). construccion de 6 API_RESTFUL y 1 API_GATEWAY con 6 bases de datos diferentes.

    Language:Visual Basic 6.02100
  • Ahmad-sheikh1/Sharp-Image-Module

    This is an image module where you can resize images, increase their quality, extract text from images, and change the format of images.

  • all3n2601/Riders-Paradise

    Bikers Paradise - your ultimate destination for everything two-wheeled! MERN Bike Showroom

  • Anmol-Srv/KIITopedia

    KIITopedia is a dynamic and responsive social media platform in a 4-person team using modern web development technologies and frameworks like React, NodeJs, Express, MongoDB, Redux and JWT, with features like authorization, real-time state management, content sharing, and a user-friendly interface.

  • dukelester/collaborator_text_editor

    A simple realtime multiuser collaboration text application with Node js and React js.

  • Exodiel/produmax-nestjs

    First Version for produmax server application

  • gr7800/google_calender_integration

    This is a simple Node.js application that demonstrates how to use the Google Calendar API to fetch calendar events. The application consists of the following parts:

  • HarishVinayagamoorthy/online-Shopping

    Our Mini E-Commerce Platform, built with the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack, offers a concise yet comprehensive shopping experience. Users can effortlessly browse a curated product list, delve into detailed product descriptions, and seamlessly manage their selections in the shopping cart.

  • jswladitya/Backend-VideoTube

    VideoTube :- A production ready web app capable for video sharing and microblogging (combination of YouTube & Twitter)

  • Justin-roy/Web-Developement

    Mern Stack Developement

  • KawanChaudhary/mindfuel_web

    Fullstack open source blogging application made with Firebase, MongoDB, Express, React & Nodejs

  • M-YasirGhaffar/youtube-video-summarizer-using-gemini-api

    Summarize hours long Youtube videos with this full stack application using gemini-1.5-flash Api.

  • Premjeet-yadav/production-BlogApp

    This is production repo for the blog app. Users can register themself and perform all CRUD operations on the blogs. Tech stacks used - MERN

  • realpriyanshu/unity-pages

    UnityPages: Collaborative document editing application with real-time updates, rich text formatting, easy document sharing via URLs, and a user-friendly interface. Tech Stack: React, Express, WebSockets, Rich Text Editor. Uses: Team collaboration, document drafting, creative projects.

  • sureshkamat/Furniture_Store

    The goal of this project is to create a web application that replicates the core functionality and user experience of the popular e-commerce website Furniturestore.com. The clone is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a mock JSON server to simulate the backend.

  • ayyush08/Blogify

    Blogify is a full-stack blog application built with the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. This project serves as a practical example of implementing a blog system, featuring user authentication, CRUD operations for posts, and a responsive design.

  • jiithin/BlogApp

    Divulge Blog App is a dynamic blogging platform built for seamless content creation and community engagement. Easy Login: Email or Google OAuth Stunning Posts: Rich editor, categories, cover photos Community Focused: Discover posts, comment, like Full Control: Manage comments, edit profiles Personalized Dashboard: Track posts & engagement

  • akashpawar43/Paytm-full

  • BAHIRABDULLA/user-management-system

    This is MERN user management system

  • codecapcommunity/Code-Cap

    Code-Cap is a dynamic platform designed to connect developers for upcoming hackathons and keep them updated on new events. Create your profile, find teammates, and stay in the loop with the latest hackathon opportunities.

  • MMBass/Jeruvents

    (In Progress) Scan and display by dates events happening in Jerusalem

  • Powsishan/RBAC-Dashboard

    Task management application with role-based access control (RBAC). Users are assigned roles (Admin, Manager, Employee) with specific permissions for managing tasks and users. Built using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, JWT, and React.

  • Rajsingh45/Nutrify_WebApp

    Created a full-featured nutrition management app using Express.js and MongoDB, featuring a strong backend. Integrated user authentication, food logging, and search capabilities with secure JWT authentication and bcrypt encryption for passwords. Designed a user-friendly frontend interface for effortless dietary tracking and management.

  • Shahid321fw11/EligereAssignment

    Events Registration Form
