
Fullstack open source blogging application made with Firebase, MongoDB, Express, React & Nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Fullstack open source blogging application made with Firebase, MongoDB, Express, React & Nodejs


Live website link

Check the live website : Click here 🚀

If you enjoy the content, please register and contribute a well-written story.

Configuration and Setup

In order to run this project locally, simply fork and clone the repository or download as zip and unzip on your machine.

  • Open the project in your prefered code editor.
  • Go to terminal -> New terminal (If you are using VS code)
  • Split your terminal into two (run the Frontend on one terminal and the Backend on the other terminal)

In the first terminal

$ cd Frontend
$ npm install (to install frontend-side dependencies)
$ npm run start (to start the frontend)
  • To run the application on localhost change the backend url
  • Directory -> Frontend/src/Axios/axiosInstance.js
  • Replace `${process.env.REACT_APP_BACKEND_URI}` with "http://localhost:5000/"

In the second terminal

  • cd Backend and Set environment variables in config.env under ./config.
  • Create your mongoDB connection url, which you'll use as your MONGO_URI.
  • Setup your firebase app, storage bucket and generating private key JOSN
  • Supply the following credentials in .env file.

#  ---  Config.env  ---

NODE_ENV = development
PORT =5000
URI =http://localhost:3000
MONGO_URI = Your Mongo URL
JWT_SECRET_KEY = Your secret key

# Nodemailer

SMTP_HOST =smtp.gmail.com
EMAIL_USERNAME =  example@gmail.com
EMAIL_PASS = Your Password

# Firebase


TYPE = Type of Account

PROJECT_ID = Your project Id

PRIVATE_KEY_ID = Your Private Key id

PRIVATE_KEY = Your Private Key

CLIENT_EMAIL= Your Client Email

CLIENT_ID = Your Client Id

AUTH_URI = Your Auth Uri
TOKEN_URI = Your Token


CLIENT_CERT_URL = Your Client Credential URl

UNIVERSE_DOMAIN = Your Google Domain

# --- Terminal ---

$ npm install (to install backend-side dependencies)
$ npm start (to start the backend)

Key Features

  • User registration and login
  • Authentication using JWT Tokens
  • Story searching and pagination
  • CRUD operations (Story create, read, update and delete)
  • Upload user ımages and story ımages to the server
  • Liking stories and adding stories to the Reading list
  • Commenting on the story
  • Skeleton loading effect
  • Responsive Design

Technologies used

This project was created using the following technologies.


  • React js - JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces specifically for single-page applications
  • React Hooks - For managing and centralizing application state
  • react-router-dom - To handle routing
  • axios - For making Api calls
  • Css - For User Interface
  • CK-Editor - Rich Text Editor
  • uuid - For random id generator
  • React icons - Small library that helps you add icons to your react apps.


  • Node js -A runtime environment to help build fast server applications using JS
  • Express js -The server for handling and routing HTTP requests
  • Mongoose - For modeling and mapping MongoDB data to JavaScript
  • express-async-handler - Simple middleware for handling exceptions inside of async express routes and passing them to your express error handlers
  • jsonwebtoken - For authentication
  • Bcryptjs - For data encryption
  • Nodemailer - Send e-mails from Node.js
  • Dotenv - Zero Dependency module that loads environment variables
  • multer - Node.js middleware for uploading files
  • slugify - For encoding titles into a URL-friendly format
  • cors - Provides a Connect/Express middleware


  • MongoDB - It provides a free cloud service to store MongoDB collections.
  • Firebase - The Firebase Admin Node.js SDK enables access to Firebase services from environments in Node.js for uploading files.

Other Details

For the project to be deployed on render, package.json has been added to the root directory. You may view the website from the first section.



This project is licensed under the MIT License.